Chapter 3

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You woke up the next morning with Magical me in your hands. You had fallen asleep with it on a random page. You enjoyed the book, it was a lot about him and his favourite colour, favourite adventures. You were sure with this information you could help him, usually, you didn't have this information to help jog the memories of the person with a total memory wipe. 

You grabbed breakfast and put the book in your bag. While you ate you watched some muggle TV and relaxed. You finished and sighed. Picking up your bag you walked to St Mungo's, you where thankful it was a short walk and you walked in to be greeted by Gilderoy. "Morning Gilderoy" you said with a smile. "What makes you up so early?"

"I was having a walk" he said. "I wondered where you went. I kinda missed you, I wanted to show you something but I couldn't find you"

"I went home to have sleep" you said with a smile. "However I will be here all day today"

"I have something to tell you" he suddenly said. 

"Yeah?" you asked.

"I practised writing all night" he grinned.

"And?" you prompted. You had gotten to the ward at this point and waved at everyone before going over and looking at the paper. The writing was legible and you grinned. "Well done" you said. "I will leave you here but I will be back soon" you said and walked to your office. Putting everything away you planned the day and started your jobs, first filing then checking on all the other memory whipped inmates before finally getting to Gilderoy. He seemed to be writing again, you looked over his shoulder and watched as he wrote in print. You were slightly amazed, a normal person with a memory wipe forgot everything, yet here Gilderoy was, writing about trolls and hags. 

Gilderoy looked up at you and smiled. "Do you want to read this?" he asked. 

"Yeah" you said, taking it.  You read it quickly, it talked of random adventures and would look to a muggle like the start of a fantasy book. You put it back in front of him and smiled. "That's good, you just carry on writing okay?"

"To be honest" he said with a smirk. "I think I am very good at writing" he flashed you his smile.

"You are" you said and sat down on the bed. "Now, I wondered if you could answer some questions?" you asked.

"I am always happy to answer questions about me" he said and turned to you.

"Do you know your favourite colour?" you asked.

"Ummm" he thought. "Your shirt is a nice colour" he said, staring at it.

"So Lilac?" you asked.

"Yes" he said. 

"What about a good gift?" you asked. "What would you like to be gifted for a birthday lets say?"

"What are you getting me one?" he asked cheekily.

"I might do if you are good" you said smiling. "and what about your secret ambition?" you asked.

Gilderoy shrugged and scratched his head. "I would like to do something with my hair" he said. 

"Good" you said with a smile. "Like hair care products?"

"Ginx" he said with a smile. "Now now, don't go stealing my idea" 

You laughed and shook your head. "I wouldn't" you said with a smile.

"Good, I will be rich with this" he grinned and you smiled. You felt bad for him. You had sent an owl to his family but they hadn't replied which made you sad. He seemed quite happy here but you wished that he could get his memory back and get a normal life again.

You said goodbye to him and walked back to your office to write your findings, recording everything. You couldn't shake his inner sadness you could sense in his mind, he knew something was missing from his mind and you would try your hardest for him to get back to normal life.

Picking up magical me you began to read it again, picking up more things about his life and what happened to him over the years. This could all help to jog his memory. You had never been able to jog anyone memory before. You were trying to develop the field since the last idea of treatment was putting them in a straight jacket and hopping the best. You wanted to keep them calm and help them remember, seeing as no matter how strong a memory wipe everyone remembered something which could be used to get all the memories back. It was to be a long journey but it would be worth it. Then maybe you could live together. You stopped at your thought. You shouldn't be thinking of patients like this. He was sweet, handsome and used to be famous. He would dazzle anyone. You tried to push it out of your mind as you packed your bag to get home. The day had gone quick and it felt strange that it was only the second day of Gilderoy being at the hospital. 

You sighed and put your bag on your back and walked out of the hospital to bump into Gilderoy.

"Hello" you said with a smile.

"You are leaving again?" he asked

"For sleep yes, I will be back tomorrow" you said with a smile.

"If you were to get me a present then I would like a mirror" he said.

"I can get you a mirror yes" you said.  You went back into your office and got your mirror, enchanted it so the glass would not break and gave it to him. He stared at himself and smiled, moving his hair about.  He walked back to the ward with the mirror on his hand and you watched him go. He looked happy. 

You put your bag back on your back and left the hospital. You needed a new mirror and something to take your mind of thinking of your new patient.

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