Chapter 6

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You woke from the bed. You were surprised you had fallen asleep on the bed. Getting up you went to find Lockheart who stood downstairs, looking at himself in a large mirror. He turned around and smiled brightly but suddenly frowned. "Who are you?" he asked. "Another fan who sneaked into my house?" 

"No...." you said. "Remember I am your doctor (y/n)"

"I am sure you were Hilary" he said.

"No I am (y/n)" you said. 

Gilderoy shrugged and turned around, walking toward the kitchen. "Is there any food then Hilary?" he asked.

"It's (y/n)" you called.

"(y/n), Hilary, the same" he said.

"It isn't really" you muttered. "and no I don't think there is not any food"

"I like my dinners at 6 pm" he said.

"I am not your chef" you said. "I will order a Chinese"

"So you said your a doctor" Gilderoy said.

"Yes, for your memory loss" you said.

"Do you aren't a fan?" he asked.

"Well you could say I am a fan" you said. Gilderoy smirked. "But my job is to be your doctor" you shook your head and looked at the time. 5 pm. "I will order the stuff now okay?" you asked.

"Sure" Gilderoy said. He didn't really know what a Chinese was but he kept quiet as you opened your phone and went onto the website of a local place.

"Soooo" you said. "Duck pancakes?"

"Sure" Gilderoy said.

"um how about prawns in curry sauce, spring rolls, rice, prawn crackers and shredded beef"  you said.

"prawn toast" Gilderoy said suddenly. You raised your eyebrows and nodded, phoning the place and ordering the food.

"It's coming at 6" you said.

"Have you got any muggle money?" Gilderoy asked.

"Yeah" you said, taking your purse out and checking how much money you had.

"So you remembered prawn toast?" you asked.

"I don't know what it is but I think I like it" Gilderoy said. 

"Good" you said with a smile. "Do you remember the last time you had Chinese food?"

"Whats Chinese food?" he asked.

"Like spicy, sour and sweet" you said. "You can taste it when it gets here"

"What if I don't like it?"  he asked.

"Always a first for everything" you said. 

"Like fighting werewolves" he said grinning. 

"Like fighting werewolves" you echoed.  You both sat in silence for a while until there was a knock on the door. You waked over to the door and opened it to see the delivery driver with a bag in his hand.

"Ello love" he said "£60 please"

You pulled your purse out of your pocket and counted the money out and handed it to the delivery driver. He gave it to man and he passed you the bag. Closing the door you brought the bag into the dining room. Gilderoy had left the room so you put the bag down and went to find him. Where had he got too?

You went upstairs to hear the shower running and you knocked on the bathroom door. "Gilderoy the food is here" you called.

"What?" he shouted.

"Food here now" you shouted.

Gilderoy opened the door, his hair was wet and he had a towel around his waist. "I'm not hungry" he said.

"You said you ate at 6" you said

"Its 6:01" he stated. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. 

"Eat the food" you said annoyed.

Lockheart rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "Fine" he muttered and closed the door.

Your went back downstairs and got plates, wine and spoons out, setting the table up for the meal. After a short while, Gilderoy came downstairs, his hair washed and in a new robe. He looked at you and at the table, slowly sitting in a seat opposite you.

You took some spring rolls and prawn toast and placed it on your plate. Gilderoy watched you and tentatively took one of the prawn toasts and put it in his mouth. His eyes opened widely and he ate it with you. He grabbed some more stuff and started to eat faster, grinning. "I haven't had Chinese food in forever," he said. "I love prawn toast"

"Good" you said with a smile. "Have the rest" you pushed the box towards him and he placed them all on his plate.

Together you ate and talked a little, mostly Gilderoy talking about random things like werewolves and witches. You nodded and smiled, being happy he was getting his memories back.

Soon you where both finished and Gilderoy's eyes were sparkling with joy. You smiled at his happiness and stood up, getting the plates onto the counter. You looked around to see Gilderoy standing close to you. "I remember" he said. "I met you in flourish and blots"

"We did" you said.

"I thought you were very beautiful" he mused. You looked up at him and Gilderoy scratched the back of his head. "And I still do" he giggled slightly. You grabbed his hands and stared up at him. You suddenly felt his lips on yours and you melted into him, holding onto his hands tighter. After a short while, he let go of your lip and looked down at you grinning. Gilderoy put his hand on your cheek and stared down at you. You grinned back up at him and kissed him again. Your lips moved together and you squeezed his hands gently.

You let go and you breathed hard as Gilderoy walked away and put the rest of the dirty dishes on the side. "I remember everything"  he said.

"So what will you do?" you asked. 

"I will write" he said grinning. "for muggles"

"That sounds good" you said. "Better to keep out of wizard news for the moment"

"I am ruined" he muttered. 

"But writing for muggles will help" you said.

Gilderoy grinned and looked down at you, in his eyes was a certain aspect of love although he did not say it. "Do you think the wizard press will ever take me back?" he asked.

"I don't know" you said sadly. "I mean you did try to kill some kids, but only time will tell"

"Yeahh" Gilderoy muttered. "I should write a letter of apology to both of them. But I wouldn't know what to write."

"I could help you" you said. 

Gilderoy nodded and together you wrote the letter and Gilderoy started writing his books for the muggle world. They were fantasy but about real-life wizard creatures and what they did. His first book called Gravedigging with ghosts became a best seller and topped muggle charts and also wizard charts. Although Gilderoy tried he was never able to get back into wizard society so stayed mostly in the muggle one. He loved how much fame he got from muggle circles, even more as the internet helped put his name out there with fan sites popping up.

You decided to quit your job at St Mungo's, instead of writing books on your method of memory recovery, Gilderoy was cured, he had no other memory defects, it seemed like something which people loved would bring the memory back, which was for him prawn toast and you.

Gilderoy Lockhart x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora