Roger Rabbit Short #1 - "Tummy Trouble

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Baby Herman's Mother: Snookums, don't cry, Mommy will only be gone for an hour. Uncle Roger will take care of you and everything's going to be just fine. Not like last time!

Don't worry about a thing. I've learned my lesson. I'm a reformed rabbit, a better bunny, a happy hare.

(CRYING) Shh! You don't want to get your old pal Roger in trouble, do you? - (CRYING) - I know. Ta-da! - Look, it's a bright shiny rattle. - (COOS) (GIGGLES) (RATTLING) (BABBLING HAPPILY) (YELLS) Jeepers, somebody call 911, call 911! (SIREN WAILING) (SUCKING) Please be okay, Baby Herman. Why does everything happen to you? Why couldn't it happen to me? Huh? To me. Oh! Baby wants his bottle. (SINGING) Rock-a-bye, baby On the treetop Oh! Oh! Oh! (BELCHES) (GIGGLES) (BELCHES) (COOS) Look, it's the rattle! (LAUGHS) Baby Herman, our problems are over. (ROGER LAUGHS) (SCREAMS) (WAILING) - Rattle, rattle, rattle. - (RATTLING) (COOS) (GIGGLES) - (HUMMING CONGA MUSIC) - (RATTLING) ORDERLY: Baby Herman swallowed rattle. - Yep, this is him. - Hey, what's going on here? (YELLS) Jeepers, what are you doing? You guys are making a big mistake. You don't know who I am. (SHUDDERING) Anesthetic! (WOLF WHISTLE) Oh! Bottle. Oh! (BABBLING) HERMAN: Bottle. Ah! (BABBLING) Very serious. We must operate immediately. Let's get him onto the table. DOCTORS: Huh? DOCTOR: Hmm... Hey, let go of the cotton, you swab. Na-na-na-na-na! (SPLUTTERING) (SCREAMS) Okay, let's cut him open.cream slams the Door open a ND flies over to take the sharp item from the doctor's hand. Just give me a bicarb, I'll be fine. (SCREAMS) (WHISTLE BLOWS) Lunch! (CLAMORING) (BABBLING) Oh! Hey, it's Baby Herman! Jeepers, am I glad to... Hey, where are you going? Bottle. Oh! Big bottle. ROGER: Hey, Baby, that's not your bottle. Come back, come back. That's not your bottle! Don't worry, Baby, I'll get you. HERMAN: WOW! Baby Herman, come down from there. (SCREAMS) (SCREAMS) Ow! Ow! (GRUNTS) Ah! Ooh! (GIGGLING) Look out! - Oh! - I'll catch you! As cream flies and catches Baby Herman while caught in Mother Vanilla'a arms. (LAUGHS) (HERMAN COOING) (SPITS) (ROGER SCREAMING) (HERMAN COOING) Got you! Hey Uncle Roger! You kinda missed. (HERMAN SIGHS) Baby Herman, I'll catch you. Droopy Said Gruesome, isn't it, Cream? (PANTING) Baby Herman. Baby, Baby... (SCREAMS) - (BANGING) - (GRUNTING) (ROGER WHIMPERING) HERMAN: WOW! Well, Baby Herman, it looks like smooth sailing from now on. Huh? Oh, no! HERMAN: Whoo! (ROGER SCREAMS) (ROGER GRUNTING) (SPUTTERING) (LAUGHS) Baby Herman, the rattle, we're cured. Thank goodness for modern medicine. Huh? (GIGGLES) (GULPS)

(The scene irises out as Baby Herman swallows the rattle again, shows a The End title, with Cream Her Mother Vanilla her Uncle Roger and Baby Herman.)

MAN: Cut. That was great.

Baby Herman (SPITS) out The rattle.

Baby Herman: (MAN'S VOICE) If I have to swallow that rattle one more time, I'm gonna puke my guts out. Get me out of this thing.

Roger: Jeepers, Baby Herman, calm down.

Baby Herman: This ain't funny, call my agent. You'll give yourself a heart attack. This is no way to treat a star.

Roger: All right, Baby Herman, you were stupendous.

Jessica: Oh! Roger, honey bunny, let's go home and play.

Roger: Jeepers, what do we play? Tiddlywinks, canasta, Parcheesi?


Jessica: Oh, how about a little patty-cake instead?

Roger: Patty-cake? Jeepers.

(Roger and Jessica left the studio.)

Good night, Larry.


Director: Okay, that's a wrap, folks.

All right, great, great.

Director: Save the lights.

Good night.

MAN 1: Good night, Tweet-o.

MAN 2: Good night.


(The Director walks out of the studio.)


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