without thinking i grabbed his hand. " i do want to! can you not tell anyone though please" i pleaded.

the smirk on his face couldn't had gotten any bigger if he tried, " no worries princess, this secret is safe with me."

i could have melted at his words there and then but i was saved by the bell for home room ringing signalling for us to part ways and go to class.

i walked into the cafeteria for lunch and joined Brynn in the line.

"finally you're here, i've got something to tell you!" she exclaimed with a mischievous grin. i gave a curious look but nodded for her to carry on.

"Nadia and Johnny had a pretty big argument in algebra," she began.

"continue," i smirked as we grabbed our food.

" from what i understood, Nadia was annoyed that they haven't hung out in a while and Johnny just went off on her like saying he doesn't owe her anything cause they aren't together," she explained.

"is there anything else?" i questioned, eager to hear more.

"well yes but i couldn't hear it all from where i was sat and Nadia ended up leaving class," Brynn sneered.

initially i felt small excitement from what Brynn had told me although it didn't last long. we turned to our table to see Nadia sat on Johnny's lap as if nothing had ever happened.

"what the fuck," Brynn scowled, "i'm sorry Kenz, they were literally at each others throats twenty minutes ago!"

i let out a slight laugh, " it's okay, it's not like there's anything going on between me and him anyway."

we walked over and sat amongst the rest of our friends. i was never too vocal during lunch since i had always struggled being open around big groups but today i was even quieter.

i couldn't even look up as Nadia and Johnny sat directly in front of me so instead i kept my head down and picked at my salad.

"are you okay Kenzie?" i felt a soft nudge from Jules beside me which i responded with a polite nod and smile.

the noise of bickering started to grow as the general chatter lowered.

"Nadia just move, you're so fucking annoying!" Johnny snapped with venom in his tone, making my head instantly shoot up. i was no longer the only silent one as everyone else at the table shut up to listen.

Nadia left the table with a genuinely hurt expression and i also felt a pan of sympathy for her. i couldn't imagine how embarrassed and heart broken i would be if he said that to me in front of everyone.

"god John! do you ever stop being such an ass?" Lauren erupted before following after Nadia.

those of us left at the table were still sat in silence, mostly from shock. i just sat blankly trying to compute what had just happened.

i felt Johnny's gaze on me looking for a reaction but all i could return was a disappointed face.

although i liked the idea of him and Nadia's relationship being over, i couldn't look past how careless he was towards her as if she meant nothing to him.

fortunately lunch finished soon after the whole commotion so we all left the tension of the table pretty quick.

me, Brynn and Jules all had Spanish together next lesson so we walked together.

"i can't believe that just happened, do you think they'll sort it out?" Brynn asked as we reached Jules' locker.

"oh yea for sure, this happens all the time, Johnny always says some dumb shit like that and she gets sad but then when he starts to miss her so she takes him back," Jules explained simply.

i frowned, " does she not get tired of the way he treats her?" i questioned. to be honest i was quite surprised by what Jules has said since i always viewed Nadia as a very independent girl who seemed to know her worth.

Jules let out a scoff in response, "by now you would think she'd be tired of it but she likes him too much, we try tell her she deserves better," she shrugged.

"i'm just going to the bathroom, i'll meet you in class," i told the two girls before turning around however i soon regretted that decision.

Johnny was stood right ahead looking directly at me. i let out a sigh before continuing to the bathroom, knowing it was too late to turn back. i tried to walk straight past but he barged in front of me.

i looked up with a disproving look while he attempted a weak smile. "are we still going for food tonight?" he asked softly.

"i don't know, are you not worried i'll be too annoying?" i mocked causing him to roll his eyes.

"don't be like that Kenz, i didn't mean to upset her i just wanted her to stop being so clingy," he groaned.

" well at least you accomplished your goal," i retorted, " now can i go?"

he let out a deep sigh, " okay but meet me at my car after school please," he insisted.

"whatever," i grunted before walking off. i heard him call my name from behind me but i didn't respond.

i needed time to rethink everything after seeing that side of Johnny especially after what Lauren had told me. maybe i should take her advice and get over him while i still can.

bit longer than usual :)) hope you guys are
enjoying so far and sorry if it's a
bit of a slow burn!!
vote and comment <3

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