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I walked to school and went straight to my locker. I saw Johnny talking to another guy.

"hey muffin"

I heard him say walking over to me.

"muffin?" I asked.

"the first time I met you I got a muffin," he said

"kinda corny," I said laughing.

"shush," he said smiling at me.

"well I have to go to math so I'll see you at lunch," I said before walking to math.

Finally, it was lunchtime. I got my breakfast that I had gotten from the shelter. I saw an empty table and sat down taking out what was left of my breakfast. There wasn't much at all but at least it was something.

"please Johnny don't come over here," I thought as a saw him getting his own lunch.

He walked over and sat next to me

"Great," I thought.

"you should eat more," he said looking down at my tiny lunch.

"I'm fine thanks," I said hoping he would drop it.

"just have some of mine,"

he said moving his tray closer to me.

"but- "

I started to say

"just eat Leah," he said while looking at me.

"Thanks," I said very gratefully.

We both ate our lunch. When we finished we went to our separate classes.

After school, I started to read since I had nothing else to do. I had read this book over a hundred times but it was all I had. The book was pretty worn out but I was used to it. Johnny came out of school with some other friends then he saw me. He came and sat next to me. He saw my book and I immediately put it away in my bag. I faced him and looked up at his gorgeous green eyes.

"hi," I said blushing at him

"hey, muffin" he smiled at me.

"so are you gonna go home?" He asked.

"oh uh- yeah just wanted to read,"

I said looking down avoiding his eyes.

"what is it Leah?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said starting to get up.

"no there is something what's wrong?" he asked again.

"it's nothing"

I hoped he would leave me alone but he took my chin and forced me to look at him in the eye

"what is it Leah" he repeated.

"it's just- I don't have a home..." I said it.

It was out. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"Leah why didn't you tell me?!" he said hugging me so tight.

"how long have you been alone for?"

he asked after he sat on the bench next to us. Moving over so I could sit down. "...3 years," I said not looking him in the eye.

He sat there for a few minutes processing the news.

"you have to promise you can't tell anyone to please john," I said facing him.

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