"Banana Muffin"

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I was working at the coffee shop when he walked in. Brown hair, tan skin, green eyes, and tall. He was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. He walked up to the front where I was.

"how about a banana muffin," he said while I just stared.

"yeah uh just a second uh that will be $3.50"

I said blushing. I gave him his muffin and his hand barely brushed mine.

"I'm sorry,"

I said, looking up into his green eyes

"Johnny," he said.

"Leah," I said smiling at him.

"sign here," I said handing him a pen and the receipt.

"cya Leah," he said walking out.

I looked down on the receipt and under his signature, he put his phone number. I smiled to myself.

I put his number in my phone.

"what to say though," I asked myself.

"I noticed your number on the receipt." I sent it.

Immediately he read it and responded

"yep that's me, " he said making me smile.

"We should hang out sometime," he said

"sure!" I responded.

I texted him about two days later

"do you skate?"

"Yeah, you?" he responded

"Yeah I do, wanna skate tomorrow?" I asked hopefully

"It's a date," he said which made me smile.

I met him at the skate park the next day.

"Hey, Johnny!" I said waving to him.

"Hey Leah," he said with a smile.

he was carrying his board which was just plain with checkers.

"wanna skate," he asked.

"well that's what we came here to do," I said laughing.

We skated for a few hours until it was dark.

"I should get home," I said as he looked over at me.

"Want me to drive you home?" he asked.

"oh no, I wouldn't make you do that my house is far from here,"

I said hoping he would let me walk.

"cmon I'll just take you"

I sighed. There was no way I was getting out of this.

"fine," I said getting in his car.

We drove around a lot and I made him drop me off at a random house.

"This is my stop," I said, lying.

"We should do this again sometime," he said.

"We should!" I agreed.

"do you go to Riverdale high school?" I asked,

"yeah just started there." He said

"well, I do too. I'll see you on Monday, bye Johnny."

He waited for me to go inside but I walked to the back and pretended to go in. As soon as I saw his car leave I went the opposite way and went to the shelter to sleep. I didn't have a home. I lived on the streets. My mom kicked me out when I was 13. I've been living alone for 3 years.

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