Chapter 2

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Seth and I walk back to the house hand in hand, my hands are shaking so hard because I am nervous because of Eddie. "It'll be fine," Seth tells me rubbing circles on the back of my hand, I take a shaky breath before I nod my head and give him a small smile. I look up at the house and see Alice looking out the window about a centimeter away from her nose presses to the glass. I can't help it as I let a little giggle slip between my lips. She hears me giggle and whips her head in my direction and her face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning. She sprints out of the house and jumps straight into my arms and starts screaming in my ear. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" she screams in my ear before she jumps out of my arms and bounces up and down like she is on a sugar rush. 

"Let me see! Let me see!" she says before she grabs my hand to look at the ring and 'oohs' and 'aahs' at it. "Alice!" I hear Jasper yell from the house as he sees what she ran out of the house for. "Auntie Mar!" I hear my butterfly scream before she sprints out of the house too. I pick her up off the ground and spin her around "Hey, Nessa!" I say as I put her down and kiss her on her forehead. 

Now everybody is outside to see what everybody is running outside for. I hear a groan and look up at the house to see Edward look like a sulking child. "Lighten up, Eddie!" I scream after him as he walks into the house to be dramatic. What a drama queen. 

"Can you make some lunch?" Nessa asks me when we got in the house, "Sure," I say as I set her down and head to the kitchen. I start making mac, n, cheese for Nessa and I when I hear the front door open. "Jakey!" I hear Nessa squeal as she runs to meet Jacob. 

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