Chapter 1

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(A few years later)

"Seth put me down!" I scream at him as he throws me over his shoulder, "Never!" he yells as a battle cry before he takes off into the forest with me on his shoulder. I start laughing as all the birds scatter at Seth's battlecry. 

He runs until we reach the meadow he finally sets me down, but instead of landing gracefully I land on my ass. I sit indian style and pout as Seth burst out laughing, "Oh, not the pout!" Seth says as he puts a hand on his forehead and dramatically and falls to the ground. I roll my eyes at him and crawl over and lay down next to him on the grass.  

"So what did you bring me here for?" I ask as I look over at him, Seth slowly sits up and looks down at me. "Marlene, I want to ask you a question," he says still looking at me, I sit up and sit face-to-face with him as I nod my head. "Marlene, will you marry me?" he asks as he pulls a box out of his sweatpants pocket. I cover my mouth with my hands and nod my head as tears form in my eyes. When he shows me the ring I immediately recognize it, it was the ring I always looked at in the window of the antique shop.  I tackle him in a hug, he laughs as he falls to the ground and kisses me. It has the same explosive feeling as it did the first time we kissed. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I have to many things running  through my head. P.S you should feel a little lucky for this because right now I am in Science class, don't tell Mr. Townsend!

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