"So what exactly is the relationship between you and Phantom?" His eyes were unblinking.

The question took Sahara by surprise. Her face reacted on its own, heating up.

Glen's lips twitched into a smile. "So it's like that?"

"The Phantom and her?" Calvin snorted, as though the thought was ridiculous.

"He did race in her stead," Glen pointed out.

Sahara turned her eyes away. She bit her lip. Act tough, act tough, act tough, she kept chanting in her head. She sucked in her breath. "What's it to you?" she asked.

"Awe, did I touch a sore spot?" Glen asked as he got up. "Or maybe he dumped you? I hear he has the habit."

"Please," Sahara got out. "I-I..."

"Why do you always have to meddle?" Theodor muttered.

Glen turned his head to him. He walked over and stood before the other boy's desk. "Because," he sat down right on the table surface, "it's interesting."

"Get off," Theodore ordered, eyes unblinking.

Sahara watched the unfolding scene in silence, glad the attention was off her and yet nervous at the sudden tension she could feel in the air.

Glen traced a finger along the desk's surface, ignoring the glare being shot at him. "Speaking about getting dumped, I heard a rumor about this girl...what was her name again...Laura?"

A muscle in Theodore's jaw jumped.

Glen looked up, his smile widening as he leaned in closer. "I heard things didn't end quite so well for you." He reached out a hand and patted Theodore's cheek. "Tsk, tsk, maybe you need some lessons on how to treat a lady?"

Theodore shoved Glen's hand from his face. He got to his feet, scraping his chair back in the process. A warning growl escaped from his throat. Calvin was up in a flash. He was between the two boys, holding out an arm to stop them from getting closer.

"Glen, you should know better than provoking everyone," Calvin told him.

Glen shrugged. "What can I say? It's in my nature."

Aeron looked over at the group. "It would be best to remember that we need to get along for the time being."

Theodore glared at Glen who simply smiled in response.

"You better get ready. As soon as Lithium is gone you're crew is the first one I'm taking out," Theodor informed the other boy.

Glen lifted a hand and made a motion. "Bring it."

Theodore looked like he was ready to kill him. A crash, followed by the sound of racing footsteps, interrupted the moment.

The door burst open and all heads turned.

"She's baaaaaaack!" A familiar voice let out the joyful whoop.

Sahara turned her head just in time to see a shape hurtling towards her. She only managed to stand up before someone crashed into her, throwing their arms around her in an embrace and then twirling her around. There was no resisting, in fact, Sahara couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her mouth.

No sooner was she on the ground than another pair of arms snatched her away and pulled her into a tight hug. Suddenly, it began to get difficult to breathe.

"A-air..." Sahara gasped.

"Nooo!" a voice wailed as the grip on her was broken. "You can't break her!"

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