I roll my eyes "I mean am I going to die in the next few minutes?"

Max looks me up and down "dunno, depends."


"How stubborn you're feeling."

"What the hell does that me?" I respond.

"Oh cmon Nick." Max says jokingly "even on the battlefield you'd refuse to stop fighting until you're body literally gave up or the commander dragged you by the ear off the field."

"So what?"

"Soooo." Max says, exaggerating the 'O's' "it means that are you really going to lay down and die now when there are people that need you?"

"What's the point?" I say defeated. "I already lost you, the one person who ever really loved me and I lost you." I turn to Max with tears pricking at my eyes.

Max gives me a sympathetic look. "I know you're hurting Nick but you have to keep fighting."

"Why bother!" I yell "what is the point in continuing to live if I have to wake up in a world where you're gone? I became a mercenary because I knew it was a job where I could let out my anger but still had a good chance of ending it all! I don't want to live without you."

"I know. I never wanted you to have to. But you have people here, in the boiling isles that still need you."

"They'll get over it." I scoff. "They don't need me."

Max slaps me, impressive feat for a hallucination. "Stop being stupid. You're one of the most skilled fighters in the boiling isles, Eda could use someone like that as an ally, she's getting weaker by the day with her curse and without you she'll get captured by the Emperors coven." I flinched at the idea of a captured Eda.

"The twins are going to need someone like you to guide them now their parents are going to be out of their lives. Gus needs you to teach him all those illusion skills you know and to talk about the human world." I smiled at the thought of the young boy. So optimistic.

Max continued as I began struggling to my feat. "Your cousin needs your madness to keep him sane in this world." I picture my cousin, groaning at my antics like he did when we were kids.

"And last but certainly not least." Max says as I shut my eyes, trying to endure the pain coursing through my body. "Amity needs you." My eyes widen at the youngest Blight's name and look at Max. He looks me dead in the eye as he continues. "Amity, someone who has been betrayed and beaten by her own family, someone who has know so much pain and who was so happy to see you return. How do you think she would react to knowing you gave up and died?!"

I forced myself forward, past Max. "What are you?" He asks.

"A soldier." I respond.

"What do soldiers do?"


"And why do you fight?"

I turn to Max, a new found strength coursing through me as I answer. "For the people I care about!"

He gives a smile "you're damn right you do." And with that Max fades away, disappearing into the into the nothingness in which he emerged.

I look up heavenward and smile. "Thanks Maxie. I do, for now and forever onward, love you with all my heart."

I slammed against the sphere, screaming in protest as Eda desperately dodged the Blight parent's attacks. Feathers now clearly evident going along her arms.

Amity grabbed my arm as I went to hit the golden dome again. "Luz please calm down."

"We have to help her!" I yell as I turn to see my mentor take a direct hit from Alador's abomination.

Eda swing her staff as golden flame flew towards them. Odalia drew a spell as an ice wall formed from the ground and blocked the attack. Odalia then slammed the ice wall as the side facing eda sprouted icicles that then flew towards the owl lady.

Eda staggered and span her staff and formed a small shield that sputtered as the ice slammed into it eda was sent flying backwards.

"There's nothing we can do." Zoe says panting.

I turned back to eda as she pants and groans in pain as she forces herself to stand, he gem only having a speck of gold left.

I tried to stand up but one of Edric's clones grabbed me by my collar and pulled me off the ground. The clone put me in a bear hold, trapping my arms as the real Edric approached me, his eyes still glowing green and an expressionless face.

"Edric please." I begged him. "Don't do this, we need to help Amity."

He froze at the mention of his younger sister. His eyes flashed between the glowing green and his natural colour. "Mittens." He said, barely audible before his expression returned to the emotionless one and his eyed returned to that sinister glow.

He punched my gut so hard that I vomited. He punches me a few more before throwing me a few feet away. A couple of seconds Willow is throwing by Emira and lands on top of me.

We groan in pain as we look to see the twins drawing a large spell circle. However suddenly a knife flies toward the pair and they are forced to evade.

The area is engulfed in darkness and I squint in order to try and see anything, to no avail. I hear footsteps running closer and I brace for an attack but instead I hear the sound of two people falling to the ground.

The suffocating darkness dissipates and we see Nick, standing over the twins, panting from exhaustion.

"You looked like." *pant* "you could use a hand."

Amity POV
We watched hopelessly as Eda fell to her knees and screamed in agony as my parents gleefully watched.

Luz banged on the sphere, tears streaming down her face.

Eda's arm violently stretched outwards as her fingers grew into talons. Her backed arched as large feathers sprouted on her body. She gave us an apologetic look as her eyes went black.

The golden sphere protecting us vanished and the three of us fell to the ground with a thud. Eda growled as she pounced at my parents but my dad drew a spell circle and a large abomination hand held her still.

Me and Luz struggled to our feet and prepared to fight once more but my parents just laughed. "You've already lost." My mother cackled.

"No we haven't!" Luz yelled. "We can still fight."

"You seem to have forgotten something in your haste to fight us." My father began. "We heard about your incorrect suspicions of your mercenary friend."

"So?" Luz said before her eyes widened with realisation as did mine. But before we could react we were bound by an abominations hands that rose from the ground.

"We still had a rat on the inside." My father finished as the blue haired girl walked past us towards my parents.

"Zoe." I said in disbelief. I had trusted this girl. Trusted her with my feelings, with my secrets and here she was, betraying me like I'm nothing.

She turned to face me and Luz with the same devilish grin that my parents were so often found with. "I was right about you." She said as she smirked at me as she echoed the words she had said when we first me.

"You're totally gullible."

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now