She took a deep breath as she hugged her knees

Melas pove:

Is Sangwoo ... starting to get ... a bit sick of me? He seems to have grown a distance from a little bit in the past few days. He doesn't even make eye contact while talking to me. Is he not comfortable here? Did I put him in an embarrassing situation when I moved his room here and was he forced to pretend he liked it?
He doesn't even want me to be with him at his place ... is that a bad thing? Maybe I was .... too sticky around him. No one would like their privacy to be interfered with ...

He has been on his phone for too long, he's not usually that addicted to his phone, is it possible that ... Sangwoo is ...

My heart started pounding heart as I felt my eyes start to get tears in them

I don't want to be apart from Sangwoo~ that would be the worst thing that would ever happen to me. I don't want him to love someone else, I don't want to be one sided love again! I want him to love only meee

Is that selfish?

Don't be dramatic shorty? He just wants to ....
maybe have a little break and a little time with his self ... some spiritual time with his self you know. It is not a bid deal. He said he'll be back in a couple of days ...

Wait ... his bed is here, where will he sleep at his place?? On the couch? It's not comfortable he will hurt his back, he's injured.

Sangwoo ...

Sangwoo was laying on his bed while on his phone, mela came in holding a box of scrubble, monopoly, cluedo and some cards. She smiled at him

' wanna play ? ' she mouthed as he stared at her before shrugging " alright! " he said. Her eyes widened with happiness and excitement.

She hopped on the bed and they chose to play cards, Sangwoo taught her how to play ' hand ' they then played ' uno ' together then Sangwoo decided to play the whisper challenge, charades Pictionary they had a long game night they laughed a lot and had a good time together.

Melas eyes was a bit watery

" hey~ what's the matter? "

Mela shook her head smiling and shrugging

Sangwoos eyes softened he leaned in and placed his forehead on hers " you'll make me cry~ " he joked

She chuckled with her red face

Sangwoo pulled her on his lap " why do you always keep thing from me ? Is it possible that until now you don't know that you can tell me absolutely anything? "

She looked up at him ' you do it. You keep a lot of things from me. And I don't blame you. Sometimes, somethings are better be untold, or, it can ruin a relationship ' she mouthed

Sangwoo immediately remembered his crimes, but then he started feeling nervous about what Mela said ' what does she mean hiding something that could ruin our relationship? '

" Mela, trust me, there's nothing that you say would ruin our relationship or my love to you "

She looked at him in his eyes

" tell me "

She took a deep breath and decided to talk

' Snagwoo ... am I starting to be ... some kind of parasitical ... or ... boring ? ' or maybe you are just not attracted to me the way you were before ... '

Sangwoo was astonished ... what???

" no ... where is all this coming from? "

She started a bit tearing ' I feel like you want me away for a while like you're hinting that you want to be on a break or something '

Oh Sangwoo X OC [killing stalking]Where stories live. Discover now