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Darkness, it seemed to consume her...

The first thing she became aware of was the rough surface her body was curled on to, next came the sound a, loud great pounding sound causing her to flinch in fear.

Gingerly and with great caution the young girl cracked open an eye only to be met with near darkness, this did nothing to calm her racing heart, instead it seemed to trigger something in the girl. Leaping up in sheer panic the girl began to address her surroundings, from what little vision she had she could see she was surrounded by boxes ranging from a number of different sizes. Using her common sense the girl decided to feel around the walls trying to find an escape, maybe there was a small opening she could squeeze through or perhaps a step she could us to climb up and out of the room she found herself in.
Although she soon found with great disappointment that the room she was in seemed to have no escape with all four walls covered in the same grate like material that was on the floor.

Sinking down in defeat the girl shuffled into one of the four corners curling in on herself and tucking her chin onto her knees. It was only then she seemed to realise she had no memory, the adrenaline quickly wore of and the reality of the situation quickly dawned on her.
'What the hell wh-why can't I remember' she spoke softly, gently testing her voice, she found it hoarse and scratched like she hadn't used it for a great deal of time.
Suddenly and without warning the box she was in lurched upwards causing the girl to tumble from her place in the corner and instead land sprawled out in the middle of the room, fearing that the boxes surrounding her would crush her she leaped back up onto her feet and instead decided to lean against one of the walls. The box she was in seemly continued to move up, not looking like it was going to stop anytime soon the girl decided to review what she could remember in the hopes it would calm her or even explain what was going on.

Although her mind came up blank, it's not like she had no memory at all she knew how to do simple things, she remembered going to beaches and learning how to ride her first bike, but she couldn't remember how she knew or who taught her. She knew she had a family, a mum and a dad, possibly siblings but she couldn't picture faces or names. Every thought she had about her past seemed to come up blank, she couldn't even remember her own name, realising she didn't even have this one simple piece of information on her own life sent the girl into a panicked frenzy.

She was essentially a nobody with no recollection of her past or where she was, the girl suddenly couldn't breath a deep sharp pain seemingly settling deep on top of her chest. Sinking down to her knees and ignoring the pain she felt as her knees hit the floor she gripped and clawed at her chest in the hope that somehow it would bring oxygen back to her. After what felt like hours but was probably more 10minutes the girl managed to calm down slightly, taking in a deep breath and releasing it, only for it to come out in a shaky sort of gasp.

Without warning the box she was in jolted to a messy stop, was it an elevator? Straining her ears she noticed she could hear voices coming from above her although she couldn't pick out anything they were saying , all of it merged together as one.

Springing into action the girl moved over to the boxes littering the room, digging deep into the first one she saw trying to find something,anything she could use to protect herself. Feeling the fear gripping her chest again when she noticed light starting to drip into the box, glancing up she squinted at the harsh light trying to see what was up there. She could just see the silhouette of several figures, although the bright light made it difficult to see much more
this caused her to panic even more.

'Welcome to hell Greenie'

'It's a one way ticket, no going back now'

'Christ shank you need a hair cut, you look like a shuck girl'

All the figures suddenly started to talk making her even more determined to find a weapon, she picked out a few sentences they were saying but this only confused her more, what on earth is a shank? She thought as she quickly leaped across the room to get to the biggest box in the room. She could hear the chatter begin to increase as well as the light becoming almost blinding, covering the whole box in this warm glow.

She glanced behind her to see a figure being lowered into the box, clearly coming to take her, in a panicked flurry the girl's eyes flitted around the box, realising she didn't have a lot of time before the figure ended up in the box with her, spotting just what she needed, she grasped the handle just as she heard the sound of two feet landing harshly on the floor behind her.

Spinning around so fast she was certain she gave herself whiplash she shakily held the knife out in front of her with both hands coming face to face with a extremely tall blonde haired boy, his blue eyes were widened in complete surprise upon seeing the girl standing with the knife pointed at him. The girl couldn't help the feeling that settled deep into her stomach after looking into his eyes.

'What the shu-' he started but the girl interrupted him, moving closer with the knife still pointed at him and shakily finding her voice.

'Wh-who are you? Where the hell am I?!' She questioned with as much authority as she could manage although in reality her voice came out as a meek whisper.

'What's happening Newt?'

'He has an awfully high pitched whiny voice, he'll be a slopper for sure'

'Newt c'mon your taking so long we wanna see the new meat'

Were some of the things the girl heard from the figures outside the box as the boy in front of her lifted his hands in what seemed to be surrender, his eyes still holding the clear shock before moving between her face, as well as the knife still clutched tightly in her hands.

'I don't believe it, it's a shuck girl... an-and well she's got a knife' The boy In front of her shouted up to the people surrounding the box, this caused an uproar of voices to explode all at once.

'A girl? I must be dreaming'

'Slim it Newt your havin us on'

'I call dibs!!!'

'Bet she's hot'

The girl could feel that pain in her chest again, only this time it seemed 10 times worse. Against her better judgement she dropped the knife hearing as it clattered to the floor before then rapidly proceeding to grasp at her chest again. The boy's eyes quickly went from shock to pure worry as he stepped forward over the knife.

'Hey? Your ok, I promise you, we - we aren't here to hurt you, ok? Shuck you've got to breath!!!' The boy rushed out in a jumble of words trying to calm the shaken girl in front of him, only his words fell on deaf ears.

The girl could feel black spots starting to prick at her vision, causing her to panic even more, if that was possible. With no control over her body she started to fall forward only to be caught as strong arms wrapped around her body to prevent her from hitting her head. The last thing she heard before letting the darkness consume her was the boy shouting up at someone,

'Someone get the Medjacks!! And grab Nick he'll want to see this too'

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