Y/n stood back in shock.

Why was Phil doing this? She knew they were poor so maybe it was for money. Before she could hear the rest, Tommy and Tubbo ran in, whining about how hungry they were.

"Y/n?" Tommy asked nervously. He thought he had broke the girl.

"Oh nothing Tommy. I just need to talk to Phil."

"I think he actually sent you a letter!"

"Well, I should go check then, goodnight Tommy."

"Goodnight y/n."

And with that y/n left Tubbo's house. To say she was confused was an understatement. She had just gotten to L'manburg and everything has already gotten complicated.

As she neared toward the forest, she noticed smoke.

A fire? She thought.

As she approached she saw the flames.

Well shit.

Y/n grabbed a nearby water bucket and ran.

She quickly tried to put the water everywhere as fast as she could, but the flames were growing.

"Ugh! Who did this," she wondered allowed.

Then she saw it. A flash of blue, then some white and black, and finally green.

What the heck?

As she turned around, a figure pushed her to the ground.

"Sapnap!" The boy in blue called.

The boy in black and white stood before her, smiling with a flint and steel in his hand.

"Sapnap please, Dream said no causalities yet!"

Sapnap frowned as he looked at the girl.

"Well tell Dream to suck it!" He retorted back loudly.

A flash of green came through and hit Sapnap in the chest, knocking him over with a thud.

At this point, y/n was confused, pissed, and insanely scared.

The boy in green stood up and looked at her, a white mask with a smiley face displayed across it.

"Hello princess, what's your name?"

Y/n looked back at the man, she knew exactly who he was.

"That's none of your concern Dream." She sneered back

Dream looked back at the two boys, he nodded for them to leave. George picked up Sapnap and dragged him away.

"Excuse me sweetheart, but don't you think its rude for you to know my name and for me to not know yours?"

Y/n looked away, flustered.

Dream squatted down and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at the masked man.

"Im not gonna ask you again princess, what's your name?"

"I-it's y/n..."

Dream immediately knew who she was. She was the so-called "First Lady" of L'manburg.

"Good girl, for a First Lady, I expected more manners."

Y/n looked at him, all fear washed away and was replaced with anger. She swiftly kicked straight up and hit him in his uh... yeah.

Dream doubled over in pain as y/n stood up.

"My manners have never been an issue before."

As y/n turned, Dream had just stood up, his ego hurt more then anything.

"Listen princess, while I would love to stay and chat with you, I need to go, but I want to send a message first."

Dream walked up to the girl closely, y/n stood her ground.

"If I don't see white flags in two days," he paused and cupped her face, "then L'manburg will burn." He finished with a crazy smile as he lightly kissed her forehead and walked in the opposite direction.

Y/n was beetroot soup red.

Before she could turn to go, Dream called out one last time.

"Oh, and princess, make sure you tell Wilbur everything that happened." He smiled and continued walked.

Y/n turned and ran to L'manburg, she had one hell of a story to tell Wilbur.

The Villians: Dream x Reader x Wilbur Where stories live. Discover now