Chapter 20: Strawberry Ice Cream

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I kinda threw this bad boy together last minute... so I apologize if there's any grammar mistakes and such ;p

It's a fun one... mostly

I let out a heavy sigh as my eyes fell on the four boys lounging around the public volleyball net at the beach.

It was going to be a long day.

The sun bore down on my pasty skin as we approached the group, and I could already feel myself burning.

I really should have gone outside more this summer in preparation for today. Too bad Bokuto had only warned me of the day's activities a few hours ago; hell, I even had to borrow a pair of his swim trunks since I didn't bring any with me to his house. I mean, how could I have known that going over to Bo's to apologize would've led me to the beach? Actually... I should've expected it. It was Bokuto after all. And even though the dark blue Hawaiian print shorts were much too big for me, and the string tightly pulled around my hips wasn't going to be enough to keep them up all day, it still beat going back home to grab my own.

"BOKUTO!" An exuberant voice called out as he and I neared the group.


My eyes narrowed at the excited carrot top who quickly bounded up to us. Man, it was like the boy exuded sunlight. I needed a pair of sunglasses just to look at him.

"Akaashi-san!?" Hinata gasped as his eyes landed on me at Bo's side. I slowly lowered the pair of sunglasses sitting on top of my head down as I smiled at him.

"Hello, Hinata-kun." I watched as the boy's light brown eyes lit up with excitement.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping up into the air before wrapping me in a tight hug. Man, if anyone else hugged me that week I thought I might bite them.

"It's been too long," I replied, giving the orangette a quick ruffle of his hair before turning to greet the rest of his group.

"Hey Akaashi-san," Kageyama nodded, wearing a pair of plain black swim trunks and an unimpressed face. I nodded in the boy's direction before a certain blonde and green haired boy moved into view.

"Hello Tsukishima, Yamaguchi," I greeted the two, bowing my head slightly. Tsukishima only gave me a slight glare in return, which I had learned was one of his nicer expressions, as his partner in crime, Yamaguchi, flashed me a gleeful smile.

"Should we put our stuff down, 'Kaashi?" Bokuto asked, nudging me with his elbow as he gestured to all the guy's stuff by the volleyball net.

I nodded at him before walking over and unrolling the towel I had in hand.

Bokuto quickly set up the red and white striped umbrella he had brought along, while I opted to put on roughly thirteen layers of sunscreen. A bad sunburn was the last thing I needed to get before heading back to university next week.

"So how have you been Akaashi-san?" The small orange haired boy exclaimed as he suddenly popped up behind me.

"Oh, uh... I've been okay, Hinata-kun," I gulped, rubbing the sunscreen into my shoulders.

"That's good! We've been having a great summer," Hinata laughed. "Been playing volleyball almost everyday which is great cause I wanna be really good for our third year," he continued, a determined look spreading across his face as he narrowed his big brown eyes.

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