50,000 Reads Celebration!

1.5K 41 20


As acknowledged in my UPD8 chapter, this story has reached over 50,000 reads and almost 1,500 votes not to mention 1,000 comments!

ugghghghhh you guiz need to stop being so awesome and amazing or I'm gonna run out of ways to thank you all

(but pls dont i luv u all)

So this is how our 50k celebration will pan out:

You guiz ask any question--any at all, how ever many you want--and I'll answer EFURRY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. 

Leave your questions on this chapter and this chapter only, and I'll get them answered in three days!

Three days, you say?

Why, doesn't that sound familiar!

Yes, that's right, beclaws that's the same amount of days I'll draw a winner fur the fanfiction drawing!

So this is how it's gonna work:

Everyone who comments on this chapter is going to be entered in the drawing for a fanfiction request!

So this is how it's going to work.

You comment on this chapter, no matter what you comment, you'll be entered in the drawing.

In three days' time, one lucky commenter will be chosen by random.

Their prize will be a fanfiction request!

The guidelines for the request:

-Only one chapter! (In other words, a oneshot)

-It has to be safe for work! (AKA no lemons/smut/18+ fics)

-You must provide the idea for the story! (Give me something to write about! An idea! Inspiration! Don't just tell me to 'write a good story'!)

-Only one entry per person/cat/dog/Whimsy/toupee! (You can only comment once, if you comment more than three times you will be disqualified.)

-The ship must include characters I know! (Ex, Dave, Levi, Sebastian, Kyoya, the fucking Millenium Earl for all I care. If you win, PM me with the details of your story, if I don't know your character, I'm sorry, you'll have to choose another.)

-Not a guideline, but I can write a shipping story of anyone that I know of! For example, ships of canon characters like Karkat x Nepeta, reader inserts like Jake x Reader, crossovers such as Marco x Eridan (two halves make a whole ;33) or whatever!

If fur some reason you would like to ask a question but not be entered in the drawing, please say so. And yes, you can ask questions and enter yourself in the drawing.

So I think that's all!

If you have any questions concerning any guidelines or how this will work, please send me a PM and I'll get it answered asap!

Thank you again so much fur your love and support, especially in recent times, it's much much much appreciated!

Each and efurry comments means somefin to me, so please continuing conversing with me!

Hugs and cheek kisses,



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