chapter one

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off telling me it's time to get up and get ready. I turn it off and pull myself out of bed. I make the bed, and make my way to the closet to get my clothes ready. Today is English and US History Part 1. Grabbing a simple shirt, jeans, and my undergarments, I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn both knobs to midway, and grab a towel from the closet. Afterwards, I pull my clothes on and grab my converse from the shoe rack.

After pulling on the shoes and lacing them up, I walk over to the kitchen to make some eggs for breakfast. Once the eggs are almost done, I put a piece of toast in the toaster and finish cooking the eggs. I wash the dishes, dry them and put them away. By now, it's about 8:15 and I make my way to the bathroom to put some light mascara and tinted chapstick on.

I grab my bookbag and keys, and head out the door for school. I attend the University of Oklahoma at Tulsa. Trying to go for my degree in Psychology to become a Therapist. Graduated in the top 10 of my class, and applied for the fall after I graduated. My mom died during my first semester, leaving me to inherit the house. My dad was never around, took off when I was 2.

Classes went well, I loved History. It was my favorite class in high school. When I was a senior, I met a young girl from El Paso named Alex Acosta. She had moved here knowing no one, so I befriended her and guided her the best I could. We still see each other sometimes, I will have her over to help with homework or just to get her out of the house every now and again. She tells me that she likes this boy, but can't make herself talk to him.

I go home to drop my stuff off at the house and make the grocery list for the week. After doing this, I get in my '57 Chevy Bel Air and I head to the store. I am going round the aisles getting everything I need when I am bumped into.

"I am so sorry."

"No harm done."

I look up to see who it was and I recognize him. It is Darrel Curtis. We went to high school together. He was a nice guy. We were casual friends, his parents were very kind to me.

"Well, I'll be. Sage Rhodes, I haven't seen you since high school."

"Darry, been a while."

He met my eyes and I could feel a warmth radiating from him. His eyes were blue, ice cold just like I remembered them to be.

"Yeah, it has. You look good, how have things been since high school?"

"They have been going, how are your brothers? They were small the last time I saw them."

He chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand before answering.

"They are knuckleheads, but good. Soda works down at the DX, and Ponyboy is a freshman now."

"No, little Pony? Ah, he's a smart kid he will do amazing things with those brains of his."

"Yeah, I wish he would use his head a bit more. He is really smart, but he doesn't always act like it."

"Kid brothers are like that."

We started walking around the store together, gathering all the items we needed. He would keep making small talk and telling me about all the trouble Pony and Soda have been getting into. I told him about Alex and how she has become like a sister to me.

"We need to catch up sometime, really catch up."

"That would be nice, Dar."

The corner of his lips turned upwards at the childhood nickname I had for him.

"Can I call you sometime? Maybe have you come over and see the boys? They could use a good influence."

I blushed a little bit at his request.

"Yeah, that would be nice."

I gave him my home number, and we parted ways after paying. I smiled the whole way home. Since it was a Friday, Alex would be coming over for dinner. I made some pork chops and corn for dinner, just in time before she got to my house.

"I swear, I hate math. It sucks."

"What happened?"

I asked her this as I made our plates, and she washed up in the kitchen.

"Today we were learning quadratic equations, and I just cannot get a grip on the material."

"I will help you with them, like I always do. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it."

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably be stuck repeating 10th grade."

She gave me a look before digging into dinner. After we finished eating she helped me clean up and put the leftovers away. I washed dishes as she headed to her house which was conveniently just on the other side of my house. I waved her good bye as she headed home for the day. I was about to go change into my pjs when my phone rang.


"Sage, you busy?"

"No just finished cleaning up dinner."

"Would you want to come over for a little?"

"Sure, Darry. Be there in a minute."

"See you in a bit."

I hung up with Darry and slipped on my converse again. I grabbed my wallet and keys, and made my way to the house I haven't been to in over 5 years. As I was walking up to the house, suddenly I felt nervous. I haven't seen these boys in 5 years, what if they don't want to see me? I don't want to intrude. Darry must have seen me through the window, and made his way outside to greet me.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Darry, I haven't seen them in 5 years. What if they don't want to see me? We were pretty close until..."

"Until my parents died. They will understand. I know you just wanted to give us space to grieve. Trust me, S. They miss you, come on. You can also see the gang. They all miss you too."

"Oh god, what has everyone been up to?"

"Well, you will have to come inside to see."

"Oh, Darry Curtis. Curse you."

He pulled me into his arms for a hug.

"Trust me, if they missed you half as bad as I do they will be over the moon to see you again." Darry whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. I pulled away blushing once more, and we went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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