"I'd rather off myself right here," I said. My mother scoffed and turned back around. She grabbed her suitcase and walked over to the cab. In a matter of seconds, she was out of my life. I felt a funny feeling in my stomach, the kind you get when you're just about to drop on a rollercoaster, or when you see a string of missed calls and know that bad news is waiting for you. I pushed the feeling away and took a deep breath.

I didn't know if I was happy or upset at the thought of her leaving. I only knew that this was a shitty summer and there was a week left of it

"Honey, you okay? I'm ordering some take out. Want to come inside?" My father crouched down beside me.

"I feel like just chilling out here for a bit."

"Alright. Don't be too mean to her," he said, kissing the top of my head. I looked up and grinned at him.

"That was me being nice."

I sat outside for almost an hour, watching the sunset. The delivery man started walking towards the door and I stood up to meet him halfway. I handed him the money my dad gave me and took the bag. I walked back inside and set the bag down, taking out its contents.

"Dad, dinner is here."

I opened the cartons of Lo Mein, chicken, and rice and poured us two glasses of soda. I grabbed my cup and gestured for him to take his. We clicked our glasses together and shared a smile.

"To a new life," he said, and I nodded. It sure was going to be new.


The last few days of my horrifying summer finally came to an end, but with it came an even more horrific final school year. I dragged my feet across my floor and showered to wake myself up. I decided to wear a light dress with sandals since it was still too hot outside. I grabbed a small bag that fell to my hips and my duffle bag for soccer practice, the only part of the day where I wouldn't be bored to death.

Dustin, my boyfriend of a year, was already waiting for me outside. He insisted on taking me to school every morning. Sometimes he'd come even when I said I'd drive myself instead. He was leaning on the hood of his car, with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore a black t-shirt and slim jeans. I gave him a quick kiss and threw my duffle in the back before getting into the passenger's side.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and looked out of the window as we drove off to our first day. I avoided telling him about my mother, only because he already had too many opinions about her, and it didn't feel right to hear that come from anyone but me. He also didn't really know what he was talking about. Where was his experience? His mom and dad probably only fought about who would take the trash out and what level to keep the heat at.

As I walked through the halls to get my schedule, I noticed my best friend, Cassie, going the same direction. Just then she made eye contact with me and came charging at me. I cringed, hating that we were those people that acted as if we hadn't seen each other in years.

"Diem! I missed you!" she screamed. I dropped my duffle to hug her back and then fixed my dress. We decided to go to the lockers first so that I could put my duffle bag away and then we'd go to the office for our schedule. Normally they would mail us the schedules over the summer, but apparently there were some changes with the teachers, and they held it off until now.

Cassie snatched my schedule before I could read it and began to compare it with hers. "You lucky bitch!"

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"You have Mr. Livingston!"

"And? What kind of name is Livingston anyway."

"Dee, he's fucking hot, and he's the new AP Biology teacher. Now I regret not taking it with you. Give me all the fucking photosynthesis you want if it means I can look at him for an hour and a half. Apparently, some people already saw him. He's already trending and it hasn't been thirty minutes."

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now