Minho x Reader

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You step under the icy cold water and shiver because the water feels like nails. Once you get used to the water, you wash off a day's worth of sweat and grime. Oh the perks of being a Runner... After you shut off the water you step out and dry off and then change into fresh clothes. As soon as you step out of the bathroom the smell of supper hits you.

"Mhmmmm..." You moan and walk toward the eating area. After you grab a plate full of roast beef and mashed potatoes you sit down at your usual table along with Newt, Minho, Chuck, and Thomas.

"What took you so long, [Y/N]?" Minho asks. Being the keeper of the Runners, he knew what time the Runners usually got back from the maze.

"Had to shower." You shrug.

"Who takes 30 minutes in the shower?" Minho laughs.

"I do. Plus I had to brush my hair and get dressed." You smile at the boys. Minho just shakes his head and Newt laughs. For the rest of dinner you stay silent.

"No work tomorrow." Minho tells you while you are getting ready for bed.

"What? Why?" You ask.

"Four Runners got hurt today. Two sprained ankles, a broken arm, and a black eye." Minho face palms at the stupidity of the other Runners. You decide not to ask how on earth four Runners got hurt in the same day.

"Goodnight, Minho." You smile at him as you lay down in your hammock, beside Minho's.

"Night, [Y/N]." Minho sighs and starts to snore.


"[Y/N]! Wake up!" You hear Minho say. Your drenched in sweat and your breathing hard. Minho just woke you up from a nightmare. You start to cry and Minho panicks a little.

"No, no! Don't cry! It's okay..." He comforts you and hugs you. You hug him tightly back. After you calm down Minho turns around to go back to his hammock and you catch his hand in yours.

"Minho... Can you- stay with me?" You ask, biting your lip.

"Course I can." He smiles and you scoot over in the hammock. He lays down and you sigh in content.


"Okay love birds! Time to stop snuggling and wake up!" You jolt awake as Newt says that. Behind him are Thomas and Chuck, both sniggering loudly. At first you don't realize what they are laughing at until someone stirs beside you. You remember that Minho had climbed into your hammock last night and now he had his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Minho!" You lightly slap him.

"Minho wake up!" You shake him until he gets up.

"Wha- what?" He rubs his eyes and his expression becomes horrified when he sees Newt, Chuck, and Thomas laughing. He instantly lets go of you and stands up, only to his dismay. The three boys are literally on the ground laughing when they notice that Minho has morning wood. Minho's face turns tomato red and he plunks down in his own hammock. You turn towards him and mouth the word, "Sorry..." He just shakes his head, indicating that isn't your fault. And then Minho does the last thing you would expect him to do. He laughs.


"Well, what should we do?" You ask, squinting up at the blistering hot sun. Alby gave all of the Gladers a day off because it was much too hot to work.

"I don't know. It's to shuckin' hot to bloody think out here." Newt groans and mops some sweat off of his face. Since no one has any good ideas you try to think of something that would cool you off. Just then you come up with what is probably the best idea in the history of ideas.

"Let's go swimming!" You jump up and every single Glader in the Glade looks up at you with annoyance.

"And where do ya' think we're gonna do that ya' slinthead?" Gally raises his eyebrows.

"In the lake." You gesture to the small lake behind you.

"No one has ever done that before." Chuck tells you.

"Exactly. That's why I'm going to do it now!" You grin and start running towards your hammock. You pull out a blue bra and some black spandex shorts. After you put them on, you race back to the other Gladers.

"There. Now I'm ready to go swimming!" You smile and start towards the lake. You can hear all of the other Gladers get up and follow you with interest. As you walk you hear some of them murmur amongst themselves.

"I don't think she'll actually do it."
"Yeah me either."
"She might."
"Nah, she won't. She's just playing a joke on us." And that is when you jump in the water. It's refreshing and calming all at the same time. You almost never want to come up for air. But you do anyway. When your head pops out of the murky water a few of the Gladers let out a relieved sigh.

"We thought you had drown!" Thomas exclaims loudly. You just grin and go under the water again.

(Meanwhile, above the water)
"Someone should go in there and grab her foot or something! It will scare the klunk right outta' her!" One of the Gladers whispers, just in case [Y/N] might hear them. Minho smirks and takes his shirt off, leaving him only in a pair of shorts.

"I'll do it!" He volunteers and quietly gets into the water while [Y/N] isn't looking.

(Back to your p.o.v)
You pop out of the water again and scan the group of Gladers standing by the lake. You notice that Minho is missing.

"Where's, Minho?" You ask, knitting your eyebrows together.

"He a- went to take a klunk..." Chuck stutters and you can tell he's trying not to laugh.

"But he- AHHHHHH!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs as something grabs your foot.

"GRIEVER! GRIEVER IN THE WATER!" You scream as you scramble onto the grass and out of the water. All of the Gladers laugh as Minho pops out of the water and smirks at you. Realization that Minho was the one who grabbed you hits and you boil with anger.

"MINHO!!!" You screech and jump in the water, attempting to strangle him. He swims away and laughs. When he gets to a place where he can touch his feet to the bottom he stops to catch his breath. You take that chance to get him. Jumping closer to him, you start to beat on him with your fists. Minho tries to block it, but he is laughing to hard to actually do any good. Eventually you stop punching him, tired out.

"Shuck, [Y/N]!" He grins at you and rubs his arm.

"Don't ever do that again!" You demand, although your suppressing a smile. For a moment, you just stand in the water, staring into each other's eyes. And then Minho takes a step towards you so that you legs are inches away from each other. And the you rush forward, pressing your lips to his. You can feel the other Gladers staring at you, but you don't care. All you care about is the feeling of Minho's lips on yours. After you break the kiss all of the Gladers cheer and you turn scarlet.

"Hey, [Y/N]?" Minho questions.

"Yes?" You say quietly.

"I love you." He grins at you and pulls you into a hug.

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