VI. He's The Ken To Her Barbie

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So, now that I'm done playing Dr. Phil, Oprah and Psychiatrist 101, lets get to know our "Ken", better know as Mr. Daniel Stevens.

Daniel Stevens was the epitome of Hotness. His perfectly styled blonde hair and ocean shaded blue eyes left all the girls in awe. Guys wanted to be him while girls wanted to be with him, but he belonged to the one and only Heather Rose. And unless you wanted to feel the wrath from a blonde, teenage, bitch, no one dared try and make a move on him.

They have been dating since Sophomore year of high school. That's when the whole "Barbies" group started. At that time, it had only been Heather and Emily, who had been friends since forever, but when Olivia came into the picture, there friendship spiraled downward. Though, they were only strong as the 3 barbies, so as much hate as they secretly had hate towards one another, they hid it to put on a show like the world class acts they are.

Daniel was the captain of the football team. He had been since Sophomore year. So, when I was out here in the field cheering for them in my booty shorts and tight shirt, I only felt as dirty as the ground he played on for years.

"Okay, bitches." Olivia started speaking. The barbies had a weird obsession with the word bitch, but I didn't judge. I had weird obsession with things people wouldn't understand. "I showed you the moves tons of times. All you guys have to do are mediocre moves then move onto a simple stunt." Easy for her to say when all she did was yell at us, flirt with guys, and act like a slut, but she liked to call it, "Sexual Dancing."

"At the end we do a simple cradle catch." I had rolled my eyes so many times because of the word simple she used repeatedly. If she thought it was so simple then why wouldn't she just do the damn flying shit.

"Is there a problem here, Francesa?" Olivia hissed my name with all venom she had within her. Instead of scratching her eye out with a stupid pom pom, I just gave her a simple head shake and a smile. "Good." She responded before turning back around.

"Now, as I was saying." More like yelling, I thought. "These moves are simple. So simple my 80 year old grandma could do this shit. So simple that Amy Becker could probably do it." Amy Becker was a girl who broke both her legs from tennis. As to how she broke her legs doing tennis is not explainable or believable, but it happened. And as funny as it is imagining two legs falling off during an intense tennis game, Olivia had no right to bring someone who has to use a wheel chair for life, into this situation.

"Hey, Olivia." Olivia turned back around, facing me, before raising her eyebrows which I took as an invitation to speak. "If these moves are so simple as you claim, you wouldn't mind doing them yourself, now would you?" She sent a glare towards my way before taking a step towards me.

"Excuse me?" She said in a tone as if she was genuinely confused. I knew she was dumb, but my statement was pretty blunt and understandable to me. It was so easy to understand people from all over the field were currently watching us, including Daniel Stevens.

"I mean, you keep bitching about us sucking and not knowing how easy these moves are and shit, but yet I haven't seen you do one move, yet." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Are you questioning my skills as a cheer leader?" She questioned, but not in a shocked tone, but more so as if she were still trying to comprehend exactly what I was saying. Idiot.

"No, I'm questioning your captain skills." I stated truthfully. I honestly knew she was a good cheerleader as sad as I am to admit that.

"Who the hell are you to question my skills as captain? Your ass got lucky on this team. Just because you could whore it out on stage doesn't make you're a fucking cheer leader, now get your ass back to position, got it?" She hissed. That's the first time I ever heard a barbie drop the f bomb and I'm sure i wasn't the only one shocked considering I heard numerous gasps and crowds forming. It was forbidden by Heather because she said it make them look disgusting and unladylike.

Destroying The Barbies [#Wattys2015]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن