Tourette's - Ghostbird

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Tourette's syndrome - a neurologic disorder that causes unwanted sounds and movement.

Fandom = Ghostbird written by CL Stone

Tics based on Youtubers : ThisTrippieHippie, and Jade O'Connell

Verbal tics- "your a bitch, an eensy weensy teensy bitch"

Physical tics - suddenly slapping her/his/their leg then tapping their foot (i don't know to many physical tics that I can describe)

~noise tics - ~twitter sounding whistle~


"FUCK OFF!' A woman slaps her hands to her face in embarrassment. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean that." The woman apologizes. "It's a fine kitten. No harm done. Let's try again" A guy with beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and light blond hair tries to console the woman. The man tries to hand the woman an egg, but as soon as he lets go, she slams the egg on the table. Just to be sure, her hand slams on the egg 3 more times before she stops. "STOP HANDING ME EGGS!" The woman yells at the man. "Meow" the woman meows? The man bursts out in laughter, while the woman tries to be upset with him but starts to laugh too.

"LUKE!!!" A voice roared from outside the kitchen. A man with black hair, and coal black eyes came storming into the kitchen. He looked around at the kitchen till his eyes stopped on the woman.' Jewls, what are you doing baby?" His eyes softened as they stayed on the woman.

"We were making cake." the woman said. "Yea North, calm down. We were just making cake." The man with the blond hair and chocolate eyes, Luke, says. "He's a bitch. Sorry....... I wanted to try making a cake for you guys. It didn't go how it was planned, this ~hoop~ was not planned" The woman says.

North turns his black eyes to Luke. "You guys were making a cake, when you know how she gets when cooking?" He said in a scarily calm voice. "YOU make sure you clean the kitchen then" North turned towards the woman. "Jewls Baby, be careful. If something happens, you know to press your button to call the others. I have to pick up somethings for the dinner tonight"

"~Eep, eep, eep, woo~ Okay North. We'll be fine!"

10 minutes later~




I realized that I kept on putting, the woman, instead of putting her name. I hadn't planned for North to be a part of this one shot. It was supposed to be Uncle and Luke was supposed to be the one to walk in. Basically I had a different plan for how this was supposed to go, but it didn't go the way I planned because for some reason I was rushing while writing this. Probs because I was supposed to be doing English classwork instead of writing this but o'well. too late now

The woman's name is Kasey Juliana "Jules" Whitehart. She has Tourette's syndrome.

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