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AN: hi, I just want to say thank you all so much for the love and support it means the absolute world to me to know someone is enjoying reading this story. Anyways hope you like this chapter. <3


Arya was walking back to her dorm with Daphne who she had bumped into coming out of the hall. They we going down the stairs to the dungeons when the memory of the note popped back into her head. This was the perfect time to ask Daphne about it.

"So Daphne, been talking to anyone special recently?" She said, causing the girl to choke on her saliva.

"Excuse me?" She replied, her tone mocking Arya's.

"Y'know, have your eye on anyone?"

"No! Well... I do have a small crush on Adrian..."


"Shhh! Lower your voice! Someone will hear you!"

Arya simply put her index finger up to her lips which were curved into a lopsided smirk.

"How about you? You got your eye on anyone?"

"Well, I do think deans a bit cute..."


"First of all, be quiet! Second of all I just needed to know it wasn't Malfoy."

"Why would I like Malfoy? He's head over heels for my sister."

"I found a note stuffed stuffed behind the cabinet in the bathroom from him, it didn't say who it was for, but it said he didn't want anything serious with them." She whispered, trying not to let anyone hear.

"It has to be Parkinson's!"

"That's what I thought at first, but Draco has never wanted anything to do with her. Why now?"

"I don't know, but it for mean I won't find out. C'mon let's go search the dorm."


They walked up to the large painting guarding the slytherin common room and immediately Arya spoke "pure blood." Before the portrait could even ask for it.

The large hole opened revealing a large room with multiple sets of staircases. In the middle two dark green couches facing each other with a glass coffee table in the middle. Behind it was multiple tables with students studying for tests or doing homework on them. There were portraits and paintings hung along the grey, brick walls.

"Ahh well if it isn't two of slytherins finest bachelorette's!" Spoke a tall, dark boy.

"Never gonna happen Zabini." Arya replied, taking Daphnes hand and leading her upstairs, causing lots of  ooh's to erupt.

They walked into the dorm to find it was empty which was the perfect time to search the place.

"Arya check the bin for anything I'll check under her bed and in her trunk."


As Arya was searching the bin she realised she hadn't actually shown Daphne the letter and they had no idea what they were looking for, and by the look on the other girls face she had been thinking the exact same thing. They both let out a small chuckle before heading to the bathroom to get the letter.

Once Daphne read the letter she was gob-smacked. "What if she's pregnant?"


"Yeah, I mean, it would make sense. She's constantly crying or shouting at someone, she's been throwing up a lot, it would make sense!"

"Wow, um, okay well why don't we look for a pregnancy test or something."


Whilst they searched around the dorm, Arya could feel her anger rising. How could her cousin do something like that? She couldn't even begin to think what she would do to him if pansy was pregnant.

Even though pansy and herself didn't get along harmoniously she still had care for the girl. How would she feel if she was pregnant and the dad wanted nothing to do with the child? She'd be devastated! but she wouldn't let the girl go through it alone, that's for sure.

The door suddenly flew open revealing a teary pansy. she looked like she'd been crying for hours.

"What the bloody hell do you two think your doing?! Why are you looking through my trunk and why are you looking through bin?!"

"oh, um, i've lost my wand and I was checking to see if i accidently binned it, and Daphne, she thought that you might of taken it as a prank so she was, er, checking to see if you hid it in there!" she stammered, feeling quite proud of herself for the story she just came up with.

"Yeah, what she said." Daphne added.

"That still doesnt give you the right to go through all of my things! Anyways i've been sent by Professor Snape, were going to dinner in ten, theres some emergancy speech or something that the teachers feel needs to be said in person."

"Sounds like crap."


after that pansy stayed in the dorm to 'find Arya's wand' which was in Arya's back pocket the whole time.  They then all walked to the great hall together which caused many heads to turn at the sight of the three girls together and there was no blood.

" wow pansy and Arya together and no decapitated heads? It's a miracle!" Shouted Blaise.

"And you don't stand a chance with either of them,mate!" Replied Draco, causing both of the girls to give him a 'shut up' look.

The girls sat down and Arya let out a little chuckle as she heard Daphne utter a small "am I invisible?".

After some time Dumbledore arose from his seat and up to his podium to give his 'urgent speech' which was really just about how people have been going to the dark forest without permission.

The three of the girls sat laughing loudly causing multiple heads to turn in confusion but they didn't care. It felt amazing to be getting along with Pansy.

"So, you're friends now, huh? Malfoy questioned.

"Not that it concerns you but yes, we are friends, problem?" Arya replied. To which Draco only rolled his eyes.

The three girls continued talking and eating before walking back to the common room together. Once there they sat down on one of the sofas, Blaise and Adrian ahead of them.

"I'm bored, who wants to play truth or dare?" Blaise asked, causing many murmurs of 'yes' and 'sure'.

"Okay okay, Pansy, truth or dare?"


"What happened between you and Malfoy the other night?" He asked, a smirk on his face, causing many heads to turn.

"I- um, nothing. Who said anything happened?! Malfoy?!"

"No no, it was just a question, I only asked because I saw the both of you leaving together."

With that Pansy stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

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