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Hermione and Arya had almost made it up the stairs, although their aching legs made one more set of stairs seem like ten. Once they were up there, Arya took one last glance at Dean who still stood with the twins, once again, Hermione caught the glance and shot a wink the girls way.

"Arya! I didn't know you were coming!" Squealed an excited Ginny Weasley.

"Yeah, Hermione invited me!"

"That's great, come over here and look at all the sweets and food there is!"

"Okay, okay I'm coming!"

The night went on for hours of dancing and laughing until there was a circle in the middle of the common room playing never have I ever. Arya was looking around and couldn't see Dean, although this made her sad the excitement and adrenaline coursing through her veins wouldn't let her stay sad for long.

"So whose first?" Ron asked.

"I'll go." Hermione replied. "Never have I ever... cheated on a test!"

"Oh, c'mon Mione that's boring!" Fred blurted out. "Never have I ever drank a full bottle of fire whiskey!"

Everyone put a finger down except Hermione and Harry.

"Ginny Weasley!" George shouted, a mock surprised look on his face.

Everyone turned to look at the 12 year old who sat against a wall, a smirk plastered on her face.

"We've taught her well Georgie."
"That we have Fred."

"Okay, okay never have I ever done shots." Arya said, shocking the whole circle when she put a finger down.

Only Arya, Fred and George had put their fingers down. Everyone expected the twins to put their fingers down since they were two years older, but no one had expected Arya. She could feel her cheeks growing warmer as she said, "well how do you expect Remus to put up with me?" Which caused an eruption of laughter to explode.

She felt Mione leaning closer before she whispered "wow, already go something in common." Which only confused Arya further.

"You lot really at boring, except for Arya of course." Said George.
Hermione glanced down at her watch only to notice it was half-past one in the morning. "Merlins beard! It half one in the morning, we best be getting to bed!"

"Uhhh, I don't wanna go back down all those stairs!" Arya groaned.

"Then come sleep in our dorm!" Said a tired Ginny looking over to Hermione for approval which she got.

"Yeah, we have a spare bed in there anyway. Why not put it to good use?" She approved.

"But i have nothing to change into." Arya replied.

"You can borrow a pair of my pyjamas if you want." Hermione suggested.

"Yeah thank you!"

"You are very welcome."

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