Chapter Ten

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(Y/N) is sitting in the grass near her house, enjoying the fresh morning sun on her skin. As she sits there, she cautiously carves another slice off of the piece of aspen wood.

It's really coming together, she thinks, examining her work. So far she'd carved out the general shape of a cat, but she still didn't know quite what to make it become. Lion? Cougar? All she knows that she doesn't really want to make it of her skin-changed form, largely in part because she's the only one in her village with that form, and she'd rather have a reference once she got down to the details.

"(Y/N)!" says a voice from behind her.

(Y/N) turns around to see Annabelle skipping towards her. She can't help but smile.

"Well well well, what brings you to these parts? I thought you were 'busy hanging out with your friends'? Or am I suddenly cool enough to bask in your presence?" (Y/N) teases. Annabelle grins.

"I was just coming to check if you wanted to come play Truth or Dare. Almost everyone the village is joining in, even some of the stingy old people!"

(Y/N) gives her an apologetic look.

"Sorry, but I'm a little busy at the moment," she says, gesturing to her carving. Annabelle seems to have just noticed it.

"Woah, that's really cool!" she exclaims. "Could you make one for me next?"

"Well, if you want you could have this one when I'm finished," (Y/N) says with a smile. Annabelle nods, smiling.

"You're the best!" she shouts, running off back to the village, presumably to start that game of Truth or Dare.

(Y/N) looks after her for a moment, before returning to her carving.

If I could just get the snout right---


(Y/N) is shaken out of her dream abruptly.

"We're getting ready to leave," Bofur says, before moving to wake up the rest of the company. (Y/N) frowns at having been pulled out of her dream, but evidently doesn't voice her exasperation.

She rolls up the blanket she'd been sleeping on, and reattaches the elvish dagger to her belt. She tucks the blanket into a bag that had kindly been given to her by one of the elves whom she'd had short conversation with the previous day.

Soon enough, everyone else is ready and prepared to head out, and the group silently departs the beautiful elvish town.

As they're walking (Y/N) looks down at her feet, one hand in her pocket fiddling with the carving. The smoothe aspen surface is cold to the touch.

"Be on your guard, we’re about to step over the Edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths, lead on," Thorin says.

"Aye," Balin replies, taking the lead.

(Y/N) looks up. She hadn't realized how long they'd been walking. Stopping, she turns around. They have to have been traveling for longer than she'd thought, because the elvish village is fading into the distance behind them.

So long Rivendell, (Y/N) thinks. The visit was nice while it lasted.

"(Y/N), I suggest you keep up," Thorin says. She turns around.

That's gotta be the first time he spoke to me since I joined the company, (Y/N) thinks. Giving him a skeptical look, she rejoins the group as they head off into the wilds.

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