Chapter 25: Pokémon For Sale

Start from the beginning

'That's disgusting!'

Rustie scowled. 'The people selling it and the people bidding! Gosh! Orre gets its own exciting Pokémon for once and people just can't wait for it to be introduced elsewhere!'

Her friends agreed. Chalcedony wanted to know where anyone found P250 million to bid on a toxic Pokémon from a sewer.

'That's so "evil team," they might as well include it in the auction title. Poor Amber. She works so hard to look after those Pokémon and gets that in return.'

'It's Cipher,' Jet replied, 'Surely? Who else in Orre would risk pissing off the Fayeds – let alone Lyndon – to a sell a sewage-mon?'

'Anyone who needs P250 million, I guess. Which Cipher probably do. They're always after money. That was the whole point of abusing Alfie.'

Theta's disqualification was on the news, too. She sobbed into Ein's shoulder outside their Phenac City mansion. Zileh rolled her eyes.

'Well, he sure didn't go down there. It might've flattened his stupid hair flick. I bet it was Ardos. He looks like he lives in a sewer.'

'In Phenac?' Jet said dubiously, 'Ardos? I don't think so. People would be talking about it.'

'They say he's dyed his hair black. And he's going bald. And come on, even in Phenac, no-one's gonna question a weirdo in a cloak. It's Orre. Not that who it was really matters. We know it's Cipher. Everyone knows it's Cipher.'

Rustie sighed. 'I guess there's nothing we can do for Sandile... I'm sure Amber's on it, anyway.'

Indeed, when Amber left Hexagon Coffee that evening, she didn't return to her own apartment. She ran up the stairs to Apt. 94. A Gourgeist let her in.

'Hello, hello! Arreet?'

Lyndon didn't even blink at Cobalion trailing after Amber. She sat beside him on the fluffy red couch. Cobalion settled onto the matching rug.

'I'm existent, I guess. You?'

'Bit worried about that little Sandile. Have you seen the news?'

'No... I've been trying to hack Ein Gallego all day. It's not actually hacking him that's the problem... it's making sure he doesn't notice.'

'Oh... I was going to ask if you could hack RotoBay. Or RehomeYourPokémon.'

'I can do that.'

'If you're busy, it's OK. Seth might be able to do it.'

'Nah. It'll only take me five minutes. Is it a specific account?'

'Yeah, shinycharizard999999. But I think they've taken the account down.'

'Not to worry...'

Lyndon smirked at himself. 'I used to mess with RotoBay all the time. They're not onto me yet.'

'No-one's ever onto you. That's the Lyndon we know and love!'

'This is, like, the worst hobby ever for someone like me.'

'But you're still at it and you're yet to attempt world domination again. So I think you can be proud.'

'My ambition was more like "world destruction." But yeah. How many nines does that username have?'


'Their password is "wesleyvincentisamotherfuckingdildocandle4."'

'I... guess that... doesn't tell us anything. Except that they're probably a member of Cipher. Definitely Orrean.'

'Apparently not... or at least that's what they want RotoBay to think. The account belongs to a Ramiro Robinson in Driftveil City.'

'Who the fuck is Ramiro Robinson?'

'They are in Orre, though. Gateon Port. The account has never been accessed from Unova. I think they're impersonating this dude... or he's the boss.'

Amber typed his name into Roto-Search. She found a Rotobook profile in Driftveil City. The profile picture was of a chubby, blue-haired man hugging Woolie Joe, the frontman of Blue Night.

'He doesn't look like a member of Cipher. Or a Pokémon kidnapper. He posts records and band merch and stuff.'

'Does he need hacking?'

'I absolutely love how you never question why I'm asking.'

'After all those years as Grand Master, I think I can recognise bad intentions. And you don't have any. I don't need to know. I'm assuming it's Cipher-related, anyway... since that's why Jovi asked me to hack Ein. The delightful Ardos is next on my list.'

'Good luck with that. I really just want to rescue this baby Sandile. Someone – probably Ardos, let's be real – came crashing into the sewer and upset all the Pokémon to steal him. We had to get them all airlifted to the Pokémon Center.'

'Jeez. Personally, I want to arrange diarrhea or a permanent boner for dear Ardos... but that's one drawback of not being a bad guy anymore. I have to do what the good guys ask before I can be a self-serving sadist.'

'The totally deadpan tone and expression while you say that are why you're my favourite in-law.'

'Anyway, you didn't ask, but I just got into this guy's email. Can't see anything Cipher-y. He does have a daughter in Orre... who he seems to be worried about. He's been emailing charities for advice. The name "Ruby Jane" mean anything to you?'

'No, but I'll check...'

Roto-Search brought up a talent scout's social media profiles, but no suggestions she was ever a Gym Challenger. Why else would she come to Orre, unless it was for Cipher? Though why would a girl from Unova travel to Orre just to join an unsuccessful criminal syndicate? Weren't Team Plasma recruiting?

'Looks like she was dating a guy her dad didn't like... shit. Is that Justy's son? Has to be, right? Jet and Jorjadze aren't common names.'

'Oh, yeah, I know Jet. He comes in to Hexagon all the time. Medium black coffee with no sugar.'

'OK... I don't know if I even want to know what the fuck Justy's son has to do with a potential Cipher member. Which is obviously a lot if she's come to Orre to be with him. And begs the question if he's a Cipher member... anyway. I don't need to know.'

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