Chapter 1

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"BITCH! Get your ass up out that bed or we both going to be late for our classes" screamed out Nichole bursting in Diamonds room waking her up out her sleep. Diamond jumped up mugging Nichole. If it's one thing she hated the most, is getting woke up out her sleep. "Lord you already know what I think and what I'm about to do before I know what I think and I'm about to do because I'm about to beat the holy fuck outta her" Diamond prayed out loud while sitting up on the bed. Nichole died laughing, "oh girl c'mon we got only one class today and you sitting here sending out false prayers to my big man upstairs". Diamond got up and brushed past Nichole heading to the bathroom to do her morning routine while Nichole got started on breakfast. "Diamond that don't mean take forever in the shower because you want to have shower concerts!" yelled out Nichole while getting started on their breakfast. Diamond just rolled her eyes while getting her shower water ready. 'I don't even take that damn long for one and it's not my fault my audience love my performance' thought Diamond while getting in the shower. Apparently, she took too long because here came Nichole banging on the door telling her to get out the door. Diamond went to her room and put on her Honey lotion and Honey oil from Victoria Secret. She thought about what she was putting on because it was really hot and she didn't really feel like getting dressed, so she put on some shorts, with a white tank top and Air Force 1s, throwing her hair into a ponytail that reached the middle of her back. She was finally dressed and left out her room too quickly eat breakfast and head out the door.
Nichole and Diamond finally made it to campus. "Do you have to work today after class?" asked Nichole walking beside Diamond as they headed to their class. "Nope but I am going to the mall to go shopping for tonight" Diamond answered doing a little shoulder bop that made Nichole start laughing. Shaking her head Nichole responded rolling her eyes " Girl I can't believe that you're really going out to party tonight and it fucking sucks because I have to work". " Shit I'm surprised myself" laughed Diamond. "Aight almond joy, this is my class. I'll see you later" Diamond hugged Nichole walking into her class. Diamond went to go sit down and get her notebook out and started writing down what was on the board. Diamond watched the class fill up considering she came to class a little early. People spoke to her as they came in, she wouldn't call herself popular but everyone seemed to fall in love with Diamond pure kind soul. She never down talked anyone and she was always willing to help plus her looks was a plus. She was darkskin, with long hair, pretty brown eyes, and a smile that would knock you out of this world with some really deep dimples. One particular person caught her eye and she just eye raped him basically. He was tall with a nice haircut, the most bushiest eyebrows but they fit him, he looked really mean because of his natural mean mug he had on his face, his lips was nice and full, you could tell he smoked because his lips had a nice black tint to them. Diamond turned away before she thought some unholy thoughts that she didn't need to think right now.

Nicholas Jr.
"Baby you gotta get up and get ready for your class" was all Nicholas heard when he opened one of his eyes staring at Justice as she straddled him. He felt her warmth against his manhood and that woke him up more quicker than his momma ever could. "You might wanna get up off me like this before I nail your ass to the headboard shawty" replied Nicholas in his raspy voice that made just about every female wet when they came across him. Justice just stared at him in lust ready to take that offer up but she knew that would make them both late. Justice just got off Nicholas rolling her eyes, " Nicholas you always tryna start some shit at the wrong moment" she said while walking into their bathroom to finish getting dressed. "Maybe if you stop waking me up so late, I could drop this dick in you for a few hours" responded Nicholas walking past Justice smacking her on the ass while she was brushing her teeth. Justice mugged him through the mirror, spitting the toothpaste out her mouth. "Get knocked the fuck out!" Justice stormed out the bathroom into her walk-in closet. Nicholas just shook his head and got ready for school. Nicholas was just Harris this was his last year of school. He might've been the biggest drug dealer but he knew that was something he didn't want to do all his life and he wanted to fall back on something very legal. Plus he promised his self, he wouldn't end up like his dad, but dying by this shit. He wasn't going to die by the hands of someone because he's out on top. Breaking him out his thoughts, his phone started ringing. Walking towards his phone, he seen it was his right hand, Rilo calling him. "Antonio, why you calling my phone so early" asked Nicholas while spreading on his cologne and putting his Patek on. "So if I shoot you in the eye, you think it'll hurt?" questioned Rilo. Nicholas broke out laughing "somebody woke up choosing violence huh." "Nigga get the fuck off my phone" replied Rilo hanging up his phone. Nicholas loved messing with Rilo because he knew calling him by his first name was going to piss him off. Grabbing everything he needed for class, Nicholas walked out his room and past Justice without even acknowledging her. "So you just going to walk past and not say anything" Justice asked standing up from the couch with her arms folded. "Bye" replied Nicholas walking out the door going to his car. 'Off to the one place I hate right now' thought Nicholas backing up heading to Howard University.
Nicholas made it to school just in time to get to his first class. Walking in the classroom, he could feel someone staring at him but he couldn't tell who it was. "Good morning class! Since we're starting classes today, I'm not going to pile so many things on you today" said Professor Bailey while walking into the class. After writing down what the Professor had on the board, it was just small murmur going around from the students talking and you can feel the excitement in the air for the back to school party that was being thrown. Looking around the room, I seen this one girl who was just laughing and talking to a group of people. She was probably the most gorgeous person he's ever laid his eyes on. Her skin was so damn pretty and her smile was to die for. She just so happen to look over and seen him staring. They stared at each other without breaking eye contact until one of her friends tapped her to get her attention. Before looking away, I smiled and winked at her, she blushed looking away. 'I got to get to know her' Nicholas thought to himself as the bell rung. As the class was gathering their things to leave and head to their next class. Nicholas mane to catch up with the pretty lady he was just having a eye conversation with. "Excuse me, how are you?" questioned Nicholas walking beside this pretty girl who got him intrigued. She looked up at him and smiled "I'm doing fine and you?" she replied back to him while walking towards her next class. "I'm doing fine. My name is Nicholas, what's yours?" he replied. "Diamond. And this is my class. Nice meeting you" as she walked away going into her next class leaving Nicholas just standing their watching her walk away. 'Diamond. Diamond. Just might be a man's best friend' as he walked away to his next class which he knew he was going to be late for.

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