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~Chapter recap~

"Nice shirt Asahi," Suga purred, before joining into Oikawa's laughter, finding myself caught up in the laughter also. Tonight was going to be fun...


Anything underlined is in English!

Daichi's POV

Around 7:30 we had all settled down and decided on watching Hocus pocus. Nishinoya already had the whole bag of mixed Haribos to himself and would only share them with Asahi. Oikawa and Suga we're 'bro cuddling' with a bag of tortilla chips, I was seated by myself with a plastic cup of lemonade. Me and Suga had decided on nothing glass as we knew with Nishinoya here, it would end up in pieces. And we'd already had 4 rounds of children shouting trick or treat at us. The four of us had decided we'd take it in turns to answer the door, although when it was my turn I was really tempted to shout trick at the teenagers and slam the door in their faces. I don't like teens alright?

"LET'S DO THIS!" Nishinoya shouted as the movie came on, illuminating the darkroom which we were all sat in. By now we'd all had at least half a drink considering Oikawa had brought a bottle of liquor.

"Yuu, you're going to have to be quiet," Asahi scolded, hitting Nishinoya in the side gently, the smaller boy scoffed and moved onto Asahi's lap.

"Fine," Noya smirked, Asahi a blushing, flustered mess. Now I felt lonely. Suga abandoned me for 'PrettyKawa' and Asahi and Noya were just, Asahi and Noya. It was sad but it was Halloween and I wasn't allowed to sulk now was I? The door rang, I sighed and stood up heading over to the door and opened it, smiling at the group of kids in front of me.

"TRICK OR TREAT!" They shouted in unison, I smiled in annoyance and handed them all some candy before quickly shutting the door and walking back into the living room and sitting down. I must've looked pissed because 'PretyKawa' picked up on it.

"You alright Dai-chan? You looked pissed," Oikawa laughed, Suga taking a tortilla chip from his fingers and eating it.

"No. I hate teenagers." I pout, causing everyone to laugh, Suga scoots over next to me and hugs me.

"Aw, now now, Don't be like that Daichi, You want attention don't you?" Suga cooed scooting back over next to Oikawa and gesturing for me to lie on his lap. I complied, placing my head on his legs and wrapping an arm around his legs also.

"Attention, I like that word," I say happily, Everyone continuing to laugh. They all have weird senses of humour. Like really weird. That wasn't even funny. 

"Baby," Nishinoya and Oikawa say at the same time, Me and Asahi getting offended. "Sorry Babies," Nishinoya adds, referring to Asahi as well. I huff playfully, and we all resume watching the movie. To be honest, I never really liked this movie, I preferred Tim Burtons movies, whether they were claymations, animations or real life, His work just really clicked with me. And to make it worse, the movie was in English so we had to decide on Sub or Dub, The majority vote was Sub considering Oikawa, Asahi and Me could understand English pretty well while Suga and Nishinoya were, well. A bit basic at it.

"Hey, Oikawa?" I say in English, He turns to face me with a look of 'So we're doing this?' I nod and he smirks, flipping hair out of his face.

"Daichi! How are you on this fine Halloween night?" Oikawa smirked, Asahi looking at us, realising what we were doing and contemplating whether or not to join.

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