"Kim Minjeong." She mumbles, starting to feel intimidated by the taller girl's height and visuals.

"I hope we can be friends Minjeong." Her voice was so endearing.

Minjeong could easily get lost in the light that seemed to be shining in Jimin's eyes.

"Alright!" Their instructor's voice echoes out the speakers. There was a screech from the mic before he continued. "Line up, please, then we can begin. Young men here, ladies over there."


Before their instructor could get on with their announcement, Jimin was called up to the front to introduce herself to the other trainees formally.

What Minjeong learned in those two minutes that Jimin was born on the 11th of April 2000, making her Minjeong's unnie, and a dancer who has competed in inter-school dance and singing competitions.

Her visuals were eye-catching. Her long hair was pulled back into a pony-tail, giving a full view of her small and slender face. Her eyes were wide, and she had a pretty nose. Her lips were full and painted dark pink. She also looked taller than she was, her denim shorts showing off her legs. The more Minjeong stared at her, and recalling back what that one trainee said; she had definitely seen Jimin somewhere before, she just didn't remember where.

"Now, I want everybody to group into fours, two boys and two girls. Once that's done, I'll be playing a song to give you all a hint of this project we are about to do."

It didn't take very long, and Minjeong found herself with Mark and Jaemin, still missing one person.

"Yoo Jimin!" Mark yelled, arms flailing around. "Over here!"

Jimin jogs her way over, an appreciative smile on her face. Introductions were made with the boys while Minjeong just stayed silent with her eyes averted away. It was later announced that there would be performing an intermission at one of the director's weddings, and it was to be performed in pairs.

Because of the large number of trainees, almost thirty or so, they needed to call in extra instructors to facilitate better. The music was played two times before they were brought to their positions. The dance moves were executed for the trainees to follow, and around their third routine, most have already got the hang of it. It was nothing hard, very easy for the eyes, and Minjeong wasn't surprised when Jimin got it perfectly executed on their fourth round.

They practiced a few more before they were dismissed for the day. Just as Minjeong was ready to leave for home, she noticed the practice room's doors still wide open and the lights were on. As she drew closer, she could hear the music's mellow beat and some squeaking on the wooden floors. She peeked over the doors to see Jimin dancing away. Her two-toned sweater was discarded on the floor, and she was only left with a white tank top tucked into her shorts. Her pants only got louder as the beat climbed up to a climax, which she tried to control by breathing through her nose. Jimin's eyes were entirely focused on her reflection as she stopped for her ending pose, a look of discontent on her pretty face. It was then when she noticed the small figure by the door.

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