(2) Look At Me

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"Ji Hansol?"


"Ko Eunji?"

Roll call happened randomly every other day to check if trainees were present during their schedule, but Minjeong knew something was up. The room was packed with people, more so than a regular day. On days where it was like this, it was usually because the company's higher-ups were checking in. It may be to announce a special project they were going to work on, or it may just be a regular company announcement.

"Lee Taeyong?"


"Finally, Yoo Jimin?"

Minjeong slowly looked up from her phone as whispers started to circulate the room.

"Present!" A deep yet feminine voice calls out from one corner of the room.

"Everyone," Their dance instructor starts. "This is Yoo Jimin. She'll be joining us starting today."

"Wow, look at her face!" One trainee whispered.

"She's so tall!" Came another trainee.

"I feel like I've seen her before."

Whatever the other trainees were going on about, Minjeong didn't mind. Among all those standing to take a peek at this Yoo Jimin, Minjeong still stayed crouching on the floor.

"Alright, everybody spread out and start stretching. I'll be announcing something in a while."

With that, the trainees scattered around the room. Most huddled with their friends in small groups while the rest started stretching on the ground they stood. Minjeong decided that she'd get up in a while, starts tapping away on her phone again. Oblivious to her surroundings, it takes her a minute or so to realize that somebody was looming over her shoulder.


For a second, Minjeong's breath was taken away. A beautiful girl with a small face was looking down at her. A blush rises from her neck up to her face at the proximities of their faces.

"Uh, hi." She greets back in a small voice and puts her phone away.

"I'm Yoo Jimin, though you've already heard." The girl chuckles and stands back up to her full height. She offers her hand with a smile.

She is tall, Minjeong thought before taking the hand before her. She's pulled up to stand, the soft hand gripping hers firmly.

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