Reasons(please read)

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Ok so hi guys the author here. First I'd just like to clear some stuff up so basically the only reason why wild card and nature don't kinda remember what happened with the makout thing at Abuilitas house is because missy secretly put something in only wild and nature food at breakfast for them to forget it that's why. I'm sorry if you got confused I just
Accidentally forgot to put that part in and I'm to lazy and tired to do that so I'm really really sorry and I hope you get it now. But anyways I will see if I can post it's just I have been a little behind on school and homework so please don't rush me I'm trying my best to update as soon as possible but I can't say I will post everyday.
And also after I'm done I am going to be making a thing we're you guys have a ball dance with big dresses so yea I hope you had a good day and goodbye I have to go to sleep.!!!!!!

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