"As promised in our contract, I will give you 50 000 galleons every year. This time more than the amount because Voldemort has come back to start a war and Harry must prepare to hunt his seven horcrux. In order to maintain Harry's role as a hero for our world you two must always stay beside him, in this way it will make our side look favorable in the eyes of people."

"After this, I can have what I want?" Ron said with an eagerness in his tone. 

"Of course, my boy you can have what you want ,after all you are going to be a hero for the people." Dumbledore chuckles softly, patting the red haired boy gently, looking amused. 

"We'll have to keep up for 2 years and a half years. Ron and I will have more access to the Ministry of Magic as we have our advantages and we will prevent Harry from finding out his heritage, this will make us have easy control of him." Hermione pulls out a stack of letters, giving to Dumblefore, "Here are the letters sent by the Gringotts, I used a spell to let the owl send directly to me using the excuse I will give this to Harry as you ordered." 

"Well done child, now give the letters to me I will send my reply to Gringotts. It's late tonight, time for you to sleep. We will have a meeting tomorrow and you must watch the Slytherins carefully."

"Yes sir." The two said in synchronization. 

Draco and Harry wait for them to leave before the raven hairs pull himself away from the blonde Slytherin.

"Some friends you have." The Slytherin sneered, he looked delighted to see the grief-stricken Harry. He ignored an angry glare from Harry. 

"You should have accepted my friendship from the start, Potter. Weasley and Granger are no good leeches who use you for their own benefits." Draco maintained his smug look but Harry didn't respond, he left immediately with a quick stride. 

"Walking away now Potter? go have your own sad sobbing story about how your friends betrayed you!" 

Harry ignored Draco continuously walking to the Room of Requirement, his thoughts full of wanting to destroy anything to vent his anger. He entered the mysterious room pulling out his wand and started attacking the breakable objects the moment the room gave him what he wanted. All he felt was anguish, anger, betrayal, and hurt. Those 6 years of friendship he cherished, he carefully did not mess it up, because he didn't want to lose this warm affection. He loves them wholeheartedly like a family he never has. But those two did not see him like that, they are the same as others, a tool to be used and a toy to discard after it finishes its purpose.

Harry thought he could endure the  expectation of people, all the scorn and hateful words, all the burdens he had to carry as long as he had his friends with him to share the joy and woeful together. 

He kept attacking nonstop, venting all his emotions he felt towards the objects until he was dead tired to cast another offensive spell. 

Harry did not return to the Gryffindor Common Room or else he is unable to stop himself from attacking the two who conspired with Dumbledore to dictate his life.

Why didn't Harry let them have their advantages over him? He clearly saw the sign, but he waved it away and tried so hard to understand them.

Ron abandoned him because of his jealousy in their fourth year and  Hermione always looked down on him. The two will use him for their selfish dreams, dispose of him when they are done using him. He, himself, was naive and hungry for affection, trusting too much whoever gave him kindness. Living with the Dursleys deprived him of familial connection and affection. 

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