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A wide smile was painted on Jisoo's lips while driving to their destination. Jennie's favourite restaurant was near the seaside, Jisoo also called the restaurant to have their orders ready, everything Jennie loves to eat every time she visits the said restaurant.

Jennie smiles at the sight of her favourite place once she gets out of the car 20 minutes later. There are just a  people dining, maybe because night was working days. , people who visit the place are with families and friends and that was every weekend.

"Let's go inside, I had your favourites ready." Jisoo offers her arms to her wife which the latter gladly accepts.

"Welcome Mr. And Mrs. Kim!" The restaurant staff greeted the couple.

"Mr. And Mrs. Kim?" Jennie ask.

"In everyone's eyes , I am still a man. And you are my wife, Mrs. Kim" Jisoo smile.

"Are you really serious about this, Jisoo?" Jennie sat down after Jisoo pull the chair for her.

"Yes, we can't divorce so why not give this marriage a try." Jisoo sits in Jennie's opposite chair.
"I am not forcing you to accept me immediately Jennie, let's be friends, know each other, give me a chance to love you."

"Jisoo, not because there is no way out of this marriage you have to force yourself to love me?"

"I am not forcing myself to love you, and I am not forcing you to love me." Jisoo holds Jennie's hands.
"It may be hard to believe, I may not love you now, but Jennie you never left my head and heart since that night something happened to us. I keep on thinking of you, of how great it would be to be your 'husband' in real words. How perfect it is to bicker with you but made up again before the day is done. The thought of you liking another man, i hated it."

Jisoo smile. "If this isn't loved yet, then give me time. I am almost there."

"Jisoo, what if you love me and I was not in love yet."

"I will wait. I am willing to wait, until the day you realized that this might work that we could work."

"What if that day doesn't come?" This is what she fears the most. Living with someone she doesn't love or doesn't love her.

Can they be happy, living like a stranger all their life?

Can this person in front of her stay until their last breath leaves their lungs?

What if they fall in love with someone else?
There are so many questions in her head that need answers.
As if Jisoo can read her mind, she smiles at her, assuring her that everything will be okay.

"Are you afraid of the future?"

Jennie can't help but nod. "Yes, it scares me so much."

"You don't have to. I am here for you." Jisoo grin. "If you want a friend to lean on, I am here, If you need someone to talk to, the door in my room is open even if it is in the middle of the night. If you miss bickering with me, I can give you a good fight. As long as it makes you happy, I am willing to give you. as long as it will make our relationship progress I am willing to be called dummy, stupid, freak and--what was the first name you call me again?" Jisoo asks while a big smile was on her face.

"Freakazoid." Jennie smile. As she remembers the first name she called her.

"I thought at first that Freakazoid is a Dinosaur, but then i realized it was a cool way you calling me a freak."

Jennie let out a hearty laugh. She realizes that Jisoo has so many sides. Annoying, funny and romantic sides.
What she feels towards this person is not important yet. But she is willing to try it, like what she said, there is no turning back in this marriage. Whether they like it or not, they will stay married till the end.

Jennie looks at Jisoo, the latter smiles.

Maybe it wasn't that bad to be Mrs. Kim.

Maybe they can give it a try.


But she has to tell her first.

Jennie sigh, maybe this is the right time to break the news to Jisoo about her pregnancy.

She frees her hands from Jisoo's hold and grabbed the glass of water and drunk almost half of it. Her hand was sweating.

"Jisoo, I...I h..have something tell you."

Jisoo looks at the nervous woman in front of her. She smiles and once again holds her hands.
"Do not be afraid. You can tell me everything."

Jennie takes a deep breath and then put her hands in her flat stomach.
She looks at Jisoo who was patiently waiting.

Taking a deep breath again, the cat eyed girl finally had the courage to drop the bomb.

"I'm pregnant."

Perfect Imperfections (Jensoo converted story)Where stories live. Discover now