"Harryy!" Liam says excitedly as he gets into the car. Harry and Liam share equally as big smiles. Harry hands him the other piece of toast that he made because Liam never has time to make his own breakfast. Liam laughs and takes a bite. While their driving Harry can hear Liam's phone go off.

"Shoot! Harry, would you mind picking Louis up today? He's asking me for a ride" Liam says looking over at Harry. Harry nods and turns the car around. When they get to Louis' house he immediately gets into the back seat of the car.

"I can't thank you enough mate, seriously," Louis says to Harry, looking up at him. Harry nods. The tension in the car is thick, but Harry is pretty sure Liam doesn't feel it because his facial expression hasn't changed. Harry looks at Louis in the rearview mirror. He has on a pair of grey sweats and a green hoodie. He looks really good, his hair is all fluffed and a little messy. His eyes are shining bright, and his smile even brighter.

When they finally get to the school Louis parts ways with Harry and Liam, going to walk with Zayn and Niall. Harry and Liam walk together until they finally have to part ways, giving each other a little wave. Harry walks into his class, he's the first one in there. He sits down in his seat, waiting with his head in his hands. Some other kids walk into the class. Finally, Niall walks in, Harry instantly perks up at the sight of his friend.

"You know lad, Zayn is pretty cool!" Niall says as he sits down. "He said that he and Louis have become good friends. He said that Louis tells him a lot of stuff, pretty cool" Niall adds innocently. Harry gets a bit worried for a second. What stuff is he telling him? Harry tries to forget about it.

Harry's day goes by pretty quickly, like usual. Today has been oddly good though, Harry doesn't mind. He walks to the locker room at the end of the day. He gets out of his hoodie trying to put his t-shirt on when someone walks in, Louis. Louis smirks, Harry rolls his eyes. He finishes getting ready and is tying his shoes when Louis pulls his shirt, making him stand up. Harry is a little taken back. Louis grabs Harry's face and pulls him in, causing their lips to meet briefly. Harry releases the breath he was holding in and walks out of the locker room.

Practice has gone exceptionally well, the team seems to be doing a lot better. Harry is happy, he can't help but smile all of practice. When they're done all of the boys head back to the locker room, changing and taking showers. Harry doesn't typically take a shower after practice, at least not in the locker room, but today he decided to. He realized he didn't have shampoo and figured he'd just shower again at home. After all the other boys had left it was only Harry and Louis. Harry walked up to Louis, putting his lips right up against the other boy's ear.

"Do you want to go to your house?" He whispered. He could feel Louis' breathe more rapidly and when he pulled away from his ear Louis nodded. They both walked to Harry's car quickly. After what felt like hours they finally made it to Louis' house, no one was home so they just walked up to Louis' room slowly. Louis got on the bed but Harry shook his head and then pointed to the bathroom. Louis smirked.

When they were done they both got under Louis' covers, Harry had one hand on Louis' stomach and the other under his head. Louis had a hand tangled up in Harry's curly wet hair. Louis' skin was silky smooth, Harry couldn't get enough of it. Harry got on top of Louis, pressing his lips against Louis' neck.

"H what are you doing?" Louis asked, obviously liking the feeling though.

"Kissing your neck?" Harry said with a smirk plastered on his face. Louis rolled his eyes. After a couple more kisses he got off and rolled onto his side, facing Louis. Harry laid his head down on Louis' chest. They laid there for a good while.

"Louis!" Harry instantly sat up, Louis told him to lay back down though so he did. He just looked up at Louis.

"Hey sweets, how was foot-" Jay walked in saying but when she saw Harry she stopped in her tracks. Louis looked from his mom back to Harry. Harry was in shock. "Oh... who's this Lou?" Jay continued.

Lou, I love youWhere stories live. Discover now