Chapter Four: Nobody's Gonna Love You Like I Do

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Ali: A, sorry, but you didn't just say you are living in a hospital? Tommy are you doing okay? What's wrong? Which hospital? 

Tommy: Oh Ali, it doesn't matter now... I'm fine. 

He didn't hear back from Ali for a while and was starting to think the worst, when she walked into his hospital room a week and a half later with a clipboard and his daily meds, hiding behind the clipboard so Tommy, who had just woken up, could not see her face. 

"Alright, Mr. Cole." 

Tommy gave the woman a playful smile "I haven't seen you before, are you knew here?" Tommy asked and chuckled "Did the clipboard get stuck to your face?" 

"Says here you've got stage four cancer?" The clipboard came away and there she stood, the gal who he had loved in his youth, he just stared in shock. 

"Hey Tommy... it's been a long time, been too long." 

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