Chapter Two: The Dancing Queen

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The next day, Tommy was back at Ali's house, this time without a combative and jealous Johnny,   and with his school books as Ali and him had partnered up in the same home room.  

He let himself in as Ali had told him to do, suddenly being blasted by loud music as he stepped over the threshold into the hallway... he laid his school books down and walked upstairs "Uhhh, hey Ali? Ali? I —," the moment he saw her dancing, was the moment he fell more in love with her, although, half his mind was having a 'what the fuck is happening?' moment. He cleared his throat to announce himself, which frightened Ali out of her dancing and she screamed and pointed her hairbrush at him before she realized that it was Tommy and that they'd made plans for that day. She switched off the music and blushed "I - I forgot, I'm sorry Tommy, I forgot we were gonna meet up today, I've just been cleaning up after," Tommy grimaced "After the party?" "Yeah," Ali looked away, lost in thought about Johnny and how he'd acted that night. 

Tommy studied his hands before he looked up "You like ice cream?" Ali looked concerned and a little confused "What?" "You like ice cream?" Ali chuckled softly before it turned into a soft giggle "Yeah, who doesn't?" "Creeps and weirdos, there's a special place in hell for them, right there with perverts... and people who talk in movie theatres," Tommy joked and felt pride when Ali started laughing "Come on, let's ditch the work for now, and ride to the pier, I'll buy you a cone," 

And that's how Tommy had almost gone on the closest thing to a date, he'd ever have, with Ali Mills. 

She got ready and met Tommy downstairs. 

"Smooth moves though, Ali-gator, I mean it, what was that last one? Very jazzy," "Oh shut up," Tommy chuckled softly "No, I'm serious, those were really great moves," 

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