Something's Wrong!

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I awoke several hours later Draco was slouched over in the chair sound asleep still holding my hand. I groaned out in pain as the wolfsbane had worn off, I shifted slightly trying to adjust myself in bed and let out an audible cry. His eyes shot open, "Darling you alright?" he said. I was biting my bottom lip trying to muffle my cries. He gently let go of my hand and walked out of the room. He returned a few moments later and came to my side and stroked my cheek, "Madam Pomfrey will be in in a few moments." he said. 

A few moments passed and Madam Pomfrey walked in, "So sorry was dealing with a rather nasty bludger injury. Draco told me you are experiencing some pain again? Its about time for your next dose." she said pulling out another vial of wolfsbane out of her pocket and handing it to me. I took it quickly and sighed when it started to take the pain away. She gently took my wrist and felt my pulse for a moment and nodded then moved to my stomach and pressed the wand to my stomach, a few seconds later we could hear the sweet rhythm of the baby's heart. 

She listened for a few moments and then smiled, "Everything sounds great! Let's hope it stays that way. I also had a chance to check out the blood work, both you and the baby look great! I was also able to run a gender test and I know the gender if you two would like to know." She smiled. Draco and I looked at each other we hadn't discussed if we wanted to know the gender yet, "Darling I don't care either way as long as they are healthy." He smiled. I thought for a moment, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to know the babies gender." I said. 

Madam Pomfrey smiled, "Like I said the baby looks great and developing very healthily. I ran the blood test and it revealed you are having......... a baby girl. Congratulations!" she smiled. My eyes filled with tears and my hands flew to my stomach as I turned to Draco who was holding back tears. She smiled, "Ill be going now and letting you two have a few moments to yourselves." she said softly before leaving the room. 

Draco stood up and kissed me with passion. "I can't call you my princess anymore...... you've been promoted to my queen and this little one is my princess." he said placing a hand on my small baby bump. He was unsuccessfully fighting off tears and they flowed down his cheeks. I reached and wiped the tears from off his face as tears flowed down mine. "We are going to have a little girl Darling. I am so excited she's going to be so loved and so spoiled!" I cried. He stood up and wiped the tears off of my face, "She sure is. Just like her Mother." he said.

Draco decided to read to me to keep me occupied for a while until there was a knock on the door that drew Draco's attention away from the book. We looked up to see my Father standing at the door, I smiled, "Come In" i said. He walked into the room and smiled slightly, "How are you feeling Isla?" he asked seriously. I smiled, "I am alright right now. I just got more wolfsbane a little while ago pain is very tolerable right now." I said. 

"And my grandbaby? How are they?" he asked.  I smirked and looked at Draco and he gave me a slight nod telling me that i could tell him. "Your Granddaughter is perfect, doing very well." I said. "That's good. I'm very glad....." he paused for a moment before his eyes went wide, "WAIT! Did you say Granddaughter?!" he said with a huge smile. I nodded, "You can't tell anyone we literally just found out an hour ago and we plan on doing something with the family to announce the gender." I said. He nodded eagerly, "Oh Merlin I am so excited!" He said in a excited tone of voice. Seeing him so excited for his soon to be granddaughter made me so happy. 

He stayed for a while longer then had to leave to go to dinner with the students. I was getting hungry rather fast, my stomach grumbled loudly, "Hungry Darling?" Draco asked. I nodded, "Yeah very. You have to be too." I said. He nodded before standing up from his chair, "I will go see if I can get us some food." he said before leaving the room. 

Draco came back a little while longer with a tray full of food. The smell hit my nose, the food here at Hogwarts was one of the favorite things when we went to school here. "What would you like I got an array of foods. I remember how much you loved the food here." he said placing the tray down on the bedside table. I looked at the food and saw the baked chicken and I automatically grabbed it. He laughed, "I knew you were going to take that one, you always loved that chicken. Good thing I grabbed 2!" he said grabbing the other plate of chicken. 

I was chewing a bite of food when I felt something in my stomach. I dropped my plate to the floor and Draco looked up and saw my look of concern and my hands on my stomach. He stood up and hurried to my side, "Woah what happened are you alright?" he said urgently. " something wrong... Go get Madam Pomfrey!" I looked at him with panic across my face. "Darling what happened." he asked again. "GO GET MADAM POMFREY!" I said beginning to cry. 

He ran out of the room yelling her name. A few moments later they both spinted back into the room and Madam Pomfrey came straight to me, "Whats going on? Are you hurt?" she said frantically. I looked at her sobbing, "something isn't right! Something is very wrong..... I got a feeling in my stomach this cant be normal!" I cried out. She pulled up my gown exposing my stomach and gently placed her hands on my stomach feeling around. Draco was standing behind her pacing back and forth frantically.

 I felt the feeling again, "THAT! WHAT IS THAT! WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER?" I cried out. Madam Pomfrey's look of concern slowly faded and turned onto a smile, "Dear you have nothing to worry about.... This isn't bad.... This is good..... SO good!" she said softly. "Its good? How can that be good!" I said. She took my hand and brought it to my stomach, "Dear..... hush. Feel...." it happened again. I looked at her confused, "That would be your daughter moving." she said. Draco looked at me with wide eyes, "WAIT WHAT!" he said. He stood next to Madam Pomfrey and she guided his hand to my stomach. 

We stood in silence for a few moments and then it happened again. "Oh Darling! That's our girl! She's saying hello" he said with tears in his eyes.  Madam Pomfrey smiled and walked out of the room leaving us to be together. "I thought something was so wrong..... I thought I was losing her." I said my voice shaking. "No Darling.... this is amazing." he smiled.

We finished up dinner with a few deserts and another vial of wolfsbane and sleeping draught for me. He arranged the room so that he could have his cot right next to me. I was growing more and more sleepy by the moment. He got into his bed and took his hand placing it on my stomach smiling. "my beautiful girls." he muttered. I was struggling to keep my eyes open after a few moments of fighting sleep I muttered softly, "I love you Dear." he looked up at me, "I love you more my beautiful queen. Now get some sleep." he said. I closed my eyes and let the sleepiness swallow me into a deep slumber.

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