Visitor from the other world

Start from the beginning

Osamu gawked. They were really just going to go along with this? At the back of the room Hyuse was just as surprised. " Welp, guess there's no avoiding it. Let's take a seat everyone." Kako said as she sighed, knowing it was better to get things over with.

Not wanting to argue with the A-rank captain, everyone went to take a seat with their squad. Well except for the C-ranks, who mostly stayed together. Chika followed Osamu, and Tachikawa, being the special snowflake he was, went to sit by Jin. Yuma, along with Hyuse were about to head to the very back. But before they could, Hyuse was being dragged over to the Tamakoma branch by Jin and Yuma by Konami. Konami shot Yuma a look. He was getting ready to punch her, but a warning from Replica stopped him. Seeing as the other was choosing to comply, Hyuse so no reason to make a sean, and let himself get seated by Jin in between and Konami next to Yuma.

Episode 1, Visitor from another world

"Trigger, on". Jin states in the face of a Neighbor.

"JIN??" Most of the crowd exclaimed, while the others looked surprised. " Visitor from another world....? Neighbors." Miwa growled in rage.

Jin merely blinked. What was he doing here?

Jin transforms into his trion body in a flashy manner, and with one swoop, ends the Neighbor.

Yuma raised an eyebrow while Hyuse's eye twitched. The border agents under middle B rank looked amazed, like they just saw someone pull a rabbit out of a hat.

Osamu sat on the ground looking shocked at the man who saved his life.

Osamu made a noise of surprise at seeing himself on screen, and half of the room, including a very worried Chika, turned to look at him.

"Yo, you alright, four eyes?"

" Bahahaha! You save a guy then insult him?" Tachikawa laughed. Arashiyama chuckled as well.


"Whoa there's a theme song!" Midorikawa gasped.

"Chika? Me? Wait what's with the cubes??" Osamu said as his brain went into overdrive.

Yuma and Hyuse, on the other hand, were blown away. Thats a lot of trion. They both thought in amazement.

The highest rankers who had knowledge about black triggers looked at Yuma. Although many dismissed it as a dramatic effect. After all, why would a child have something so powerful?


Osamu's eyes shined. It looks like he'll make it to B rank after all. But why was that white haired kid in a Border uniform? Was he with Border after all? Many who were having the same thoughts started to stare at Yuma. Yuma, on the other hand, was confused. Why would he of all people join them.

Konami asked the question on everyone's mind. "So you ARE with Border." Yuma went duck faced and shut down that thought in an instant.

Ema looked at Yuma and Hyuse. "Could we at least get your names? It would make you look less dangerous." Ema stated. All he was met with was a scowl and a 'nope', pissing him off.


All snipers in the room, and Chika, sat with their jaws on the ground. What the hell was with that shot. Osamu wasn't sure if he should be proud or concerned.


At the end of the song, people were amazed to see themselves on screen. Some got so excited, they screamed it out (Konami, Tachikawa, Yosuke).

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