"And you've said things that you regret?" Draco asked quietly.

"Yeah, quite a few." Harry chuckled.
"We really did torment each other all this time, Malfoy. I'm not even quite sure why we're meant to hate each other this much." Harry's word choice startled Draco. He'd said they were meant to hate each other, as opposed to saying they did hate each other.

"You turned me down. First year. I wanted to be your friend, and you rejected me. I guess I was petty enough to keep that going for these years, huh?" Draco laughed sadly.

"You'd come off as kind of a snobby prick, Malfoy. The constant conflict didn't necessarily help my opinion of you." Harry said, looking directly at Draco.

"I'd come off that way? Oh Potter, does that mean you think I'm not a snobby prick? I'm flattered, really." Malfoy laughed, mocking Harry's earlier words. Despite himself, Harry allowed himself to chuckle too.

"No, I don't think you're a snobby prick. I think you had this standard that you thought you had to live up to. With your family and all that. You're different now. Still a twat, but less." A smile played at Harry's lips as he spoke, indicating jest in his statement.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I think you're less of a twat now too." Draco replied.

"With that kind of flattery, I'd almost think you were coming on to me." Harry joked, laughing slightly.

Draco saw an opportunity.

And he took it.

He stood up, walking over to Harry, and sliding into the seat beside him gracefully. He comically batted his eyelashes, imitating the girls that swooned over him.

"And what if I was, Potter?" Draco tried not to smile, wanting to mess with Harry in a different way than usual. What he hadn't expected, was the other boys cheeks flushing red as he quickly faced the front of the room, instead of the boy next to him.
"Think Weaselette would be jealous?" Draco purred softly, twirling his hair around his finger.

"We broke up." Harry said, not moving his gaze.

"Oh." Draco replied, not quite sure what to say at this moment. He ceased his "fake" flirting, and sat back in his chair.
"What happened?" Draco asked, before he could even process the words coming out of his mouth.

It seemed he wasn't the only one startled by this, when Harry turned to look at him, shock etched in his face.

"Why do you... care?" He asked.

"Just... making conversation, I guess. We're stuck here for a while." Draco shrugged, trying to pretend he hadn't been incredibly flustered by his question as well.

"We decided we would be better as friends. I'm not really her type." Harry laughed softly, not nearly as upset as Draco would've expected him to be.

"How are you not her type? You're everyone's type, Potter. You've got the whole wizarding world swooning all over you." It was a genuine question. Draco didn't understand how Harry had managed to find the one person that didn't want to get into his pants.

"For starters, I'm not a girl." Harry looked at Draco, an amused glint in his eyes.

"Luna?" Malfoy asked.

"Luna." Harry replied.

"Why aren't you upset?" Draco asked, surprised by Harry's lack of apprehension to the whole thing.

"She's not really my type either." He said, returning his gaze to the front of the room.

"Well, what's your type?" Draco asked. Harry tapped his chin as if in deep thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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