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No one could have wiped the smile off his face. This was one of the greatest days of Kim's life. He stood next to the altar in a small church in his suit and tie as his eyes stayed focused on the old white double doors. Any minute now, Alix would walk through the door and the next chapter of their lives would start. They would be married soon. Soon, they would be husband and wife.

The pianist had begun to play the wedding march. The doors opened and Kim became weak at the knees. Alix walked through the door holding onto her father's arm. The sunlight from outside outlined her, turning her into an angel. Her white and green lace dress flowed around her with each step.

As she got closer, her smile became more visible. Her dimples indented her cheeks. He loved her. He loved everything about her. He loved that she had this unyielding determination. That she was brave and gave whatever she had her heart set on her all.

Kim took her hand and she took his. The preacher had given the ceremony, but Kim hadn't paid attention to it. He said what he needed to, but he could only focus on Alix. She was breathtaking. Her sapphire eyes glistened with joy; brighter than the one around her neck.

"I do," Kim said. Tears of joy pooled in his eyes.

"I do," Alix had said. Her smile was beautiful.

"I pronounce you husband and wife," the preacher said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Kim cupped her face, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He missed her. He craved her touch.

"Beep, beep!" Kim's alarm went off. He shot up, his heart pounding with hope as he reached for the space next to him on the bed. It was empty. Just like it had been for the past two years.

The old wounds of his heart reopened. He pressed his hands against his eyes. Tears leaked through the cracks of his fingers. It was a memory. A beautiful memory, but a memory nonetheless. He could never hold her again, he could never tell her how much she meant to him, how much he had loved her. How much he still loved her. She was gone. He sat there, letting his tears fall onto the blanket.

He took in high pitched breaths, trying to calm himself down. He had to get up. Mel would be up soon. He stood up and walked into the hall that led into the kitchen, living, and dining room. Family photos hung on the wall. He stopped in front of a photo of her, of Alix. Her pink-red hair framed her smiling face as she held onto their young son.

He could remember that day. He could remember everything about that day, that moment.

The air smelled of metal and dust. The screams off innocent bystanders as they dodged flying debris. It was a cold night. There was a new Akuma created by Miss Butterfly. It was some old lady who kept throwing enlarged knitting needles at the team. They leaped out of the way of the gleaming blades.

There was a kid who had got separated from his parents. A needle had shattered against the ground, sending a sharp deadly chunk towards him. King Monkey had shielded him from the flying metallic shard.

It didn't hit them. King Monkey turned around. Alix, as Bunnyx, stood there. Her umbrella opened in front of her. It had deflected the metal shard. The light from her opened burrow illuminated her showing the relief that covered her face.

"Thanks," King Monkey said, letting the kid run back to his mom. She smiled and helped him off the ground.

"You know you promised me that you would be safe," Bunnyx said with a laugh.

"I know, but it's kind of hard," he said. Bunnyx rolled her eyes.

"I love you," King Monkey said with a smile.

"I lov-," Bunnyx said.

She let out a soundless scream, dropping her umbrella. Blood trailed down her abdomen coloring her white suit red. A long, thin, silvery fishing hook came through the burrow and pierced through her stomach.

"Ki, Ki," Bunnyx said, holding her arms out to him. She started to fall, but he tried to hold her up. She needed help.

"Ryuko!" King Monkey called out. The string needed to be cut.

"They, they got me," Bunnyx said. She could barely keep her eyes open.

"You, you're going to be fine. I promise," King Monkey said, as he cupped her face.

"What- Oh my," Ryuko said, as she landed next to them with her hand to her mouth.

"The cord! Cut the cord!" King Monkey said. Bunnyx's body was shaking; blood dripped out of her mouth. Ryuko raised her sword, about to cut the cord.

Bunnyx screamed, as the person on the other end of the cord pulled her out of his arms and swiftly dragged her into the burrow. Then it just closed. It closed, taking the love of his life with it.

"I miss you, Tinkerbell," Kim said, as he pressed his head against the wall as tears dripped to the ground.

"Papa?" a soft voice said from behind. Kim turned around and dried his eyes. His seven-year-old son, Mel, stood behind him. He looked so much like his mom. He had a tangled reddish-pink mass of hair on top of his light sandy brown head. His eyes were a deep dark blue and he was short. He was short just like Alix was.

"Morning Champ," Kim said, rubbing Mel's head.

"Hey! Someone's in here, Dummy," Xuppu said from the mass of tangles.

"How did you end up there?" Kim asked.

"I don't know," Xuppu said.

"She saw a spider and tried to hide," Mel said with a gap-toothed grin. Kim let out a small chuckle.

"Come on let's try to get her out of your hair before school," Kim said, as he picked up Mel.

"Okay," Mel said, "Can I wear my skates to school?"

"You definitely can," Kim said, hugging him. Alix would be so proud of her son.


I'm thinking about continuing this one shot as a novella and I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

Alix and Kim One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now