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he stares at me without saying anything. he then clears his throat and drives off again.

"you're late" he says bluntly.

i roll my eyes "hell, winston, i don't care. let's go to bucks, yeah?" i ask. he looks at me with an unsure look, but nods.

the car ride remains silent, as it has nearly every time i've been in his car with him. within a few minutes, we pull up to bucks parking lot.

i hop out, and head inside. dallas follows behind me. we go up to his room and i sit on his bed, waiting for him to close the door.

"why'd ya wanna come here?" he asks, taking out a cigarette. he tosses me one, too.

"we gotta talk," i say.

"about?" he asks impatiently, taking a drag.

"well, our feelings..or?" i say. i mean, he did admit to having feelings for me, right? what else would he had meant?

he laughs "whatever you want, kid."

"come on, dallas! do you have feelings for me or not? what else would you have meant?"

he smirks "why you wanna know so bad? you got the hots for me?" he asks, inching closer.

i roll my eyes at him. he blows cigarette smoke in my face in response.

"of course you do" he says when i stay quiet.

i don't respond, annoyed with his cockiness. one minute he's open, talking about how he feels and the next he closes up again, putting up his tough front.

i lie down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. i take a long drag, thinking about how i really feel, weighing the pros and cons.

i really like devin, but there's something about dallas that is so addicting. i feel so alive with him, like there's nothing that can stop me.

around devin, i feel like i have to act like, i dunno, a goody-two-shoes or something. i feel like he'd lose interest in me if i were to ever ask him to do something reckless.

he's real sweet, a real gentleman, dallas is stubborn and a little bitch most of the time, but for whatever reason, i'm more attracted to him. i can be myself around him.

plus, i've known dallas nearly my whole life. i mean, even the last month i've been through more with him than i have anyone.

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