Valentines Special- Twice and Toga - Part 1

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Hii! I hope you enjoy this Valentine's special! If you are corn_bred or Lolllllllll1234566 then I used some of your ideas and I hope you enjoy it! This is the first part of a few. Another thing is (please do NOT feel obligated too) but it would be really nice if you voted or commented as it helps to motivate me! If you have any requests or preferences I will be more than happy to write them and give you credit. I hope you enjoy! There will be one part up every day until Valentine's Day and the finale, which will be Lolllllllll1234566 's idea will be on the day! :)

No-ones POV

Another photo that was in the book was a picture of the LOV together, with a grumbling Shigaraki, delighted Spinner and chocolates scattered everywhere.

Twice and Toga's POV

Twice and Toga had been up to a lot of mischief lately, and in order to make up for this, they decided they would make chocolate and a few gifts for everybody in the League to enjoy on Valentine's Day.

They were both in the kitchen for hours on end, baking little chocolates for their friends from scratch (idk how they got the money or supplied for this) and making little gift bags.

What they didn't know was that a certain flamboyant man with a quirk involving marbles was secretly stealing a few of the sweet treats...

After the duo had finished their task, they decided they would go and hide them for their friends to find. Toga put a lot of them in Dabi's closet and a few in Magne's bookshelf whilst Twice put some under Kurogiri's bed, a few on Spinner's bed and was brave enough to stick some on to Shigaraki's wall.

Of course though, they kept a few to themselves.

There was 195 words only including the story however there will be more parts and by the time you read this they will already out very soon :) Thanks!

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