TWENTY EIGHT ⁑ for future plans.

Start from the beginning

she leaned into him, his cologne overwhelming her senses- his electric eyes sending a shockwave through the veins beneath her skin. (Y/n) wanted nothing more than to melt into him, and that she did.

their cupid's bow touched, it felt like a feather. Denki reached for the nape of her neck and dived in, finally closing the distance.

an apple juice-flavored kiss was really all he needed to cure the anxiety.

"i like you too." (Y/n) softly whispered, her cold hand rested on his freckled cheeks. "now matter how much our circumstances change in the future, i'll fight tooth and nail to be by your side. i don't care how much distance there is between us, you will never be a memory of mine, you'll never be a tale to tell in passing conversation. i won't let it happen." and she pulled him in for another kiss, internally celebrating when she felt his shoulders relax.

despite his usual laidback energy, he was such a worry wart sometimes...

even when separated by lands, seas and screens - (Y/n) knew they would never truly part from each other.

"hey lovebirds cmon we're going home." the gruff voice of none other than Katsuki called, immediately followed by the rest of the friend group.

"you guys sucking each other's faces off?" Sero questioned, looking up at the couple with a tilt of his head. "mind if i join?"

"you're repulsive." Kirishima answered for the two as he followed Katsuki to the car parking lot; leaving the rest behind.

Denki leaped to the ground with one jump and turned around to outstretch his arms to (Y/n) who slowly slid down the wall until she was close enough to wrap her arms around her neck - Mina and Sero witnessed the moment with amused stares, knowingly nudging each other.

"what?" (Y/n) confusedly asked her friends, hand intertwined with Denki's. the group began making their way to the parked car where a certain redhead & blond patiently awaited.

"nothinnnng~" Hanta giggled like a lunatic, skipping behind them.

Mina hooked her arm around (Y/n)'s free one, grin on her face. "it's kind of odd you still don't follow Kams back on like- any social media account."

"actually now that you mentioned it, Mina, that's so true." the electric boy pouted like a child at the reminder. (Y/n) simply shrugged hearing both of their statements; "my relationships aren't defined by my social media accounts, though, besides i have his name in my bios."

"(Y/n) follow me baaaack!"

"hmm... i'll think about it?" she giggled.



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