At School+Where is Chloe?

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                                                                CHAPTER 3

        I got to school, and walked over to my locker. I was shaking, and full of fear. I was worried about Chloe. I was scared that she would be hurt, or even dead. A tear drop fell down my face, and someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, Em!" It was Manreet. "Manny, hi." I said with a shaky voice. "What's wrong? Are you okay?," Manny asked. "And I'm sorry I left you yesterday. That cat just really freaked me out." She said.   "Yeah... I'm not upset that you left me... It's about the cat.," I said "Her name is Chloe. She told me that she came to help me, and protect me. So, this morning we were walking through the forest to school, and there were wolves.. Chloe told me to run and she fought with the wolves. I'm scared that she is not okay." I said, as tears dripped down my cheek. "Oh, don't worry, Em. I'm sure she's fine." Manreet smiled, trying to make me feel better. Then I saw Kate. Kate walked up to me and said "Why are you crying, little cry baby." I hated that brat, Kate. She always tries to make me feel bad. So, I just walked away from her. She followed me into the bathroom. "Leave me alone." I yelled to her. I was just frusterated and mad. I couldn't stop thinking about the cat. I kicked Kate in the knee and walked out. "Ow!" She screamed.  

        A few hours later, at lunch, I went outside to see if Chloe came. She wasn't there. So, I ditched school. Chloe saved me, so it was my turn to save her. I looked to make sure that nobody was around. I was about to start running when I heard my friend Shelby. "Hey, where are you going?" She called out to me. I walked towards her. "Hey Shelby." I said. I could hear the music from her earphones. "I'm just going to look for someone.." I said. "Oh, who? " Shelby asked. "Oh, um, a cat.." I whispered. "I'll tell you more about it later." Shelby was too into her music that she couldn't hear me. I laughed, then ran to the forest.

        I slowly walked on the path in the forest, hoping that Chloe was okay. Maybe she went back home..? I wondered. I heard a yowl like someone was in pain. I looked into the distance and saw a black ball of fur, laying in the dirt. "CHLOE!" I yelled, and I ran to her as fast as I could. She was hurt, really bad. She had scratches all over, and there was a little puddle of blood under her paw. "Oh my gosh, Chloe." I whispered to myself, as I bent down to help her. I was crying again. Kate was right, I am a cry baby. "Oh, Chloe. Thank you for trying to save me, I'm so sorry this happened to you! I'm going to help you now." I said to her. I gently tried to pick her up, and she moaned. So, I put her back down. She couldn't move. I ran home as quick as I could to get a towel so that I could help the poor little cat. 


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