On My Way To School

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  • Dedicated to My Old Cat, Chloe

                                                                               CHAPTER 2

        I woke up to the sounds of claws scratching on my carpet. "Chloe, is that you?" I said, as I looked over to the clock that was sitting on the table beside my bed. "Great, Im going to be late aga- oh, it's only 6:00!" I was surprised that I woke up so early, I've always been late to school.  "Your welcome". Chloe hopped onto my bed and sat down beside me, purring as I pat her on the head. "Thanks." 

        I ate breakfast, and offered Chloe some food but she didn't take it. "You don't want something to eat, Chloe?"  I asked. "No, I'm not hungry.".        

        I grabbed my bag, and picked up Chloe. I was trying my best to hold her gently. We headed outside and started walking. It was so cold that I thought I would freeze to death. But Chloe kept me warm somehow. It's like she has magical powers. 

        "So, Emily, what are you going to be for Halloween?" Chloe asked me. It was almost Halloween! And my birthday. "I'm not sure yet. I might not even be anything this year. I might not go trick-or-treating." Chloe looked at me surprised. "Emily, your only 12, you can still go trick-or-treating!" Chloe said. "But what if Kate makes fun of me.." I whispered to her ear. She probably knew who Kate was because it seems like she pretty much knows everything. She's a wizard cat, probably. "Well, don't worry. If she does or says anything to you, I will be there for you." She whispered back. "Thanks.."

        I opened the gate that led to a pathway through the forest. It was kind of scary going through a forest to school everyday, but Chloe was right there beside me, and I knew I would be safe with her. The trees were blowing side to side in the wind, as we walked and talked. Halfway through the forest, Chloe froze. Her ears perked up, like she could hear something. She looked around and smelled the air. "What is it, Chloe?" I asked her. I wondered what it was. I could hear it too, hiding in the bushes and behind trees. "Their wolves.." Chloe whispered. "We need to go, and fast!" She snapped. I was to scared to move. There were wolves and coyotes trying to eat us! I saw one peek out, and then they all started running toward me. Chloe was in my arms, and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I knew that wolves and coyotes eat cats, and I was holding Chloe so they ran towards me. I was panicking as Chloe jumped out of my arms. As she did, she said "Don't worry. I'll be okay and I'll meet you at the school. Just run!" I couln't leave her. I stopped and turned around and saw Chloe trying to fight off the wolves. I saw one wolf claw at her face and blood dripped down her cheek. But she fought back. She was a brave little cat. I didn't want to leave her, but she told me to. So I did. And I regret that. I really regret leaving her to the wolves. 

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