Chapter 8

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You and Lionel got to the restaurant and went in. Lionel guided you through the beautifully laid out restaurant, following an Asian waitress.

"The task this evening is quite straight forward" Lionel said "Japanese run the world in the 80s and my little friend Takagawa screwed me a dozen times. But now" he said with a smirk. "The boot is on the other foot. He is still pissed off that I beat him at the Haystacks dawn. Now if I can get his lackeys to sell me their 220 television channels I will become as I said yesterday the 3rd largest provider of premium cable in the whole of Asia and the Shabandar lion can finally roar of Japan." he smirked at you and you grinned as you stopped. In front of you stood six Asian men in suits who bowed. You both bowed back and smiled at the men.

"Hello" the interpreter said. "Good day to you Mr Shabandar. I am your interpreter from Konichiwa media group. I am Jack."

"Delighted to meet you" Lionel said with a smirk. "This is Ms (y/n)"

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all" you said with a smile. "oai dekite kouei desu."

The men looked at each other approvingly as you greeted them in Japanese. "Hello, I am your interpreter " Jack said again. "Do you know much of Japanese?" 

"I took a course back in high school" you said. 

Lionel started to speak again but Jack stopped him. "This is Mr Takagawa Go" Jack said in his happy and expressive tone. "Very powerful big man of Konichiwa media group." he looked at Mr Takagawa Go "This is Mr Shabandar and Ms (y/n)"

"Marvellous" Lionel said while you laughed slightly.

Mr Takagawa Go said something to Jack, you picked up something about Lionel eating up their idiot Japanese routine but you didn't properly understand. At the sentence, Mr Takagawa Go said the group started laughing.

"Now" Jack said but Lionel decided to move on. "Shall we catch the names as we move on?" he asked, already tired of the conversation. "It is a pleasure to meet you all"

"And that comes from me also"

"As I said" Lionel said, turning to you. "These dinners can be difficult but you seem to be handling it quite well. Tell me after what they say in Japanese okay?"

"Yeah sure" you said with a smile. "But they don't seem to be that difficult"

"They are evil little shits" Lionel said with a  smirk. "Watch me crush them" Lionel turned back around.  "Should we sit down and have a few drinks while we go over the arrangments?" Lionel asked with a smile.

"Yes we can" Jack said and together you all sat down on a large table. You ordered drinks and jack went through every single channel with Lionel. You had eaten and drank more and even then you were only halfway through all the channels, Jack seemed to like describing them in detail and it seemed like Lionel had enough.  Lionel had also had enough of one of the men looking at you from time to time with a smile, you smiled back when you noticed but Lionel didn't like it one bit. He had told you to wear something sexy but not he regretted saying that not liking you being eye candy for any but him.

"My offer" Lionel started. "My offer for the group was made in pounds sterling, not yen. But the recent rise of your currency, relative to the pound would raise my cost to fully 10%. And that gentlemen is an obligation I never undertook and do not propose to undertake now."

"This guy is such a dick" Mr Takagawa Go said in Japanese. You knew that fraise well and started to giggle slightly. Lionel shot you a stare but said nothing.

"There is snow on the mountains in winter" Jack said. "and the man in despair" Jack started to walk his fingers across the table.  "cannot walk to the next valley. But is spring snow melts and is remembered in tranquillity" Jack and Mr Takagawa Go bowed.

Lionel stared confused at Jack.

"I think I know what he is trying to say" you said. You leaned into Lionel. "If you want to get the deal you need to show that their investment is safe, maybe inviting them to the gala? as a sign of goodwill. Also paying for the meal as another sign" 

"Oh god" Lionel muttered. He turned and gave a smile to the men. "Well then why don't I invite you all, as a sign of the success and longlasting deal to my gala."

The men nodded and smiled, Mr Takagawa Go talked to Jack in Japanese and Jack smiled. "We would love to take your offer"

"Good" Lionel drawled. "Well it is a masked gala at my country house. I will send you the dates by email"

"That wounds wonderful" Jack said. "and that might help us to secure the deal for you to buy  Konichiwa media group"

"Well that is settled." lionel said with a sigh. "It has been a pleasure to have this meal with you all and I hope for a good outcome"

"We thank you Mr Shanabar for this opportunity from all of  Konichiwa media group" Jack said.

"It is my pleasure." he said. "Let me do the honour of paying for all of you fine gentlemen"

The men nodded and Lionel smiled. "It is a deal then" You all stood and Lionel bowed again and took your arm in his. The men left and Lionel paid and took you out of the restaurant. He sighed and got into his car which pulled up. You stepped in also as it headed off. 

Lionel grabbed the wine, poured two glasses and gave you one. "You are a marvel" he said with a grin as you sipped the wine. "I told you your sexy outfit and wit would help"

"Well I didn't do much" you said smiling. "You did the brunt of the work"

"I assure you that your presence helped very much" Lionel smirked and drunk the wine. "Now you must tell me what they said in Japansese" 

"Oh" you said "I am not too sure" 

"Come on (y/n)" Lionel said. "You said you studied Japanese"

"It was mostly just him repeating the important stuff you said." you said

"Mostly?" Lionel asked "You are making me think they said I was a dick" he laughed and you laughed along too. "Well then let us get into the social part of the date, now the business is over"

"Awesome" you said with a smile. You finished your glass and he poured you another.

After a short while of talking and laughing the car stopped and Lionel pulled you out and back into his flat. It had been cleaned and the plates were gone. You sighed contentedly and sat on the sofa. Lionel after getting another bottle of wine sat with you.

"You sure do love your wines" you teased.

"Its pure luxury my dear" he said with a smirk. After pouring the glasses he picked up the remote to the large tv and pressed a button. Lionel smirked and showed each channel he owned which turned out to be most of them. He switched to one and it was playing the Lord of the Rings and you stopped him. "We should watch this" you said with a smile.

"Oh yes" he said. "Isn't this the movie about the ring and fighting?"

"Yeah" you said grinning.

"Not my type of thing" he said with a frown.

"Please?" you asked, looking up at him, your cheeks were red from the alcohol and you gave him your puppy dog eyes. Lionel frowned and rolled his eyes. "I will leave it on into the point I am back from the lavatory"

He got up and walked out while you laid down and watched as Haldir started to talk to the fellowship, (Ya yeet check out my Haldir fanfic) taking them to Lothlorien to meet Galadriel and her husband who everyone forgets. 

After a short while, Lionel returned and lifted your head to your head lay on his lap. You looked calm, watching as the company gained gifts from Galadriel and started to row away but suddenly Lionel switched channels.  You moaned in annoyance and looked up at the chuckling Lionel. "I told you I would change it when I was back" 

You rolled your eyes and got up from his lap, putting your feet on the table in front of you. Lionel had changed the channel to the news and watched the main headlines. He heard his name and smirked, turning the TV off completely. 

You looked at Lionel and he smirked, leaning toward you and caught your lips in his. He pulled you closer and stroked your hair in his fingers. He let go and took your hand, taking you to the bedroom and shutting the door behind you both. 

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