Chapter 7

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You stood outside of the Shabandar tower. You had only been in the first floors to take shots for the websites of the office and the cafeteria.  Taking a breath you stode toward the lifts and pressed the button to go up. You were joined in the lift by a blue-suited man with glasses, you smiled at him, he looked worried.

When the lifts opened you went toward Lionel's office while the other guy went the other direction. You head toward his assistant and smiled. "Um, I have an appointment with Mr Shabandar, 1:30"

The woman stared at you and pressed a button. "Sit" she muttered. You sat waiting and looking at the large tv on one side of the room. "You may go in now" the woman said and you stood and opened the doors to Lionel's office. Lionel sat behind his desk and smirked as you opened the door.

"Ahh (y/n)" he said, "sit". You nodded and sat the other side of the desk. You smirked at you. "You are wearing the earrings" he muttered, looking down at the documents.

"I am" you said grinning. You took the noodle pots out of your bag and Lionel rolled his eyes. "You sure are insistent I have this dried noodle thing" he muttered, signing some contracts and placing them on a pile.

You put the hot water in them and handed one to him. "Careful, it will be hot" you warned as Lionel poked it with his fork. 

"It smells interesting" he murmured, taking another sniff of the noodles. You started to eat and Lionel picked one up with his fork and put it in his mouth. He didn't comment as he carried on eating it.

You had almost finished when a man, the same one as the one who was in the lift came in and walked up to the desk. Lionel rolled his eyes and looked up at the man with an annoyed gaze. "What do you want Mr Deane?" he snapped.

"Just about the painting" the man Deane said.

"I really do not care Deane"  he huffed. "Can't you see I am busy"

"Eating whats that noodle pots?" he asked 

"What I am doing does not concern you" Lionel snapped. "Now get out man, if you remember I did not want to see your ugly face for at least a week"

"Yes sir" he mumbled and walked quickly out of the office. 

Lionel returned his gaze to you and smiled. "Sorry about my idot art curator" he muttered, taking another bite of the noodles. "apparently he does not understand what fuck off means" You giggled and Lionel smirked. "So for the gala I need a photographer who can just take images for the magazines which will report on it"

"Yeah that's fine" you said. "So what did you think of the noodle pot?"

"It was okay" Lionel drawled.

"Just okay?" you asked giggling. 

"I would have it again" he said. "If I wished for it"  You grinned and stood up. "Where will you be going now?" he asked.

"I am going to get that sexy dress" you said with a smirk. "and I will go to Harrods"

"Good" he said. "It has a good range of choice"

"See you tonight" you said with a grin.

Lionel nodded and let yourself out. The man Dean was sitting in the waiting. He smiled when he saw you and looked down again. He looked worried.

You headed out toward Harodds and for the next three hours you looked for the right dress. You had not much of an idea and went through aimlessly looking at different high end dresses. When you had completely given up hope you found a member of staff who managed to find the perfect dress in three seconds. It was exactly what you needed and looked great on you. You where sure that Lionel would love it.

Getting home you had another shower, did your hair into something smart and got into the dress. You looked amazing and you looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress hugged you in all the right areas and made you look very beautiful. 

You heard a nock on the door and opened it to Lionel. He smirked and stared at the dress. "Wow" he said. "you chose well"

"It was the member of staff that chose well" you said giggling. 

"You still look ravishing" he said, "now come along, you can look beautiful while I get my deal"

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