Your Blood nor My Life

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- Tirpitz was smoking inside of her room then she chugs the glassful of black ice whiskey until there was a huge knock on the door "Come in " she hollered and
Carina enters the door and
closes the door then approaches the albino and sat down on the opposing
Side of the table facing her
" You got the item?" Carina
Asked " Here keep the end of
your deal " Tirpitz tosses the
Bag pouch to her the girls opens it and confirms its the
Black Diamond " yancy Kronesky from norweigan currently living from barcelona age 27 and is the leader of the mafia that you had fought " Carina briefs it
" Thats all i need to know" Tirpitz stood up grabbing her sunhat and blue tint eyeglasses "wait you serious? thats all you need to know?" Carina raised an brow " As for yancy all i can say to her your blood or my life " Tirpitz turned around and walked away "You are quite an odd one Sendai's
Ice Queen " Carina comments meanwhile in Japan Sendai Hospital Gin Visits Hijiri's Room and puts
the boquet of flowers and
a basket of fruits in the table
and she sat down beside her
the other smiled at her -

[ Sendai - Japan ]
[ Sendai Hospital ]
[ 7:00 PM ]

Gin: How are you feeling?
Hijiri: I feel fine today the
Doctor says i dont have any
Extensive Injuries in the head and in few days ill be
Discharge too Hehe
Gin: I see thats relieving to hear that it gives me peace
Hijiri: If you saw Fillia tell
her thank you for visiting me and for paying the
Hospital bill please?
Gin: Alright ill be sure to tell her if i see her again
Hijiri: By the way i havent seen tirpitz three days now
Gin: Last time i heard she is
in europe to rescue snow
Hijiri: oh my i hope she will
rescue snow successfully
Gin: Whoever kidnapped snow they had it coming

- Tirpitz was at the parking lot she unsheathes her katana "Halt! " the armed men pointed their guns at her she slashes their throat up the other fired at her she
side flips and uses the wall to catapult herself towards
them and slashes their side neck horizontally she side rolled and toss her katana to
the other one she does a sokuten geri to the other one dropping his firearm she pulled the katana from the carcass and slits his throat she grabbed his body using it as shield then toss it aside
she perform a side wall leaping slashing the neck of
the four armed men the other one attacks her from behind with a knife she held
her katana backwards and
stabs his chest she pulled it
out and slammed the butt of
her katana and slashes his
neck severing his head she
does a raiz flip while holding her katana slashing the legs and arms and abdomen of the armed their necks down
then she stood and does a
side swipe and envergado flip while slashing. cutting the nape and jugular of the
armed men and performed a
swipe knife and 900 feilong
then a 900 parafuso flip while slashing aimed at nape, jugular and throat of
the armed men she landed their neck sprays blood and fell onto the pavement "Yancy i am coming for you
Cholo motherfucker" Tirpitz
sheathes her katana and slings it on her katana then she removed her eyeglasses
and tucked it on her chest pocket then she tossed her sunhat away and untied her
hair spuns a heel towards the headquarters entrance -

[ Barcelona - Spain ]
[ Mafia Headquarters ]
[ 9:00 PM ]

Yancy: What?! that damn
gangster took the black diamond from us?!
Mulliny: Yes supremo and she had killed byron too
Yancy: Tsk! that woman has
More than her reputation
Mulliny: She could be here now as we talk supremo
Yancy: If she is here then you eliminate her! this place will be her grave!
Snow: Or it could be yours
No one can stop tirpitz once
she is angry you picked a wrong woman to mess with
Yancy: Shut up peasant!
Snow: she is here i just know
it. your best bet is to run away Yancy Kronesky
Yancy: dont take me for coward you stupid peasant
Mulliny: I got a word from
our henchmen now that woman named tirpitz is here
inside of our Headquarters
Snow: See i told ya
Yancy: What are you standing therefor? Move!!
Mulliny: Understood Milady

- Tirpitz Throws a Narabong
on the man's mug knocking
him out from the window she blocked a strike from steel pipe with her wrist she
shot a punch on his liver then throws a double round house to his mug then a 900 back round to the side head of other both fell flat on the pavement she back step evading a jolt punch she throws a twist kick on his liver and a pop 360 gyro on
his mug and throws a Lo Hi
and scissor kick to the mug
of two others both fell onto
the pavement she leaps and
Throws an Aero split scissor
kick onto two other then she
leaped again throws an aero split scissor round to the mug of three men they fell flat onto pavement then a
Man wearing white tuxedo
approaches her "this is the far you can go" Mulliny takes on south paw Tirpitz
throws a side kick to his mug he ducked down and
throws a bencao to her shin
she staggers then he throws
an stepover armada to her
mug she stagger sideways and she bumped herself against the wall he throws a brazillian kick to her side neck she catches his ankle
and lugs a leg hooking spinning kick he fell against
his back hard he hissed in pain and kips up Tirpitz throws a three level spin heel kick his mug, sternum
and knee he fell on the pavement and spat blood
he stood up again both takes
southpaw tirpitz throws a
feint jab he didnt flinch she
throw a right straight he blocked it with double arm guard she leaps does a neck
hooking solar plexus kick on
him he was knocked against
the wall and fall on his butt
having difficulty on breathing " How about you
fly " she picked him up from his collar and slam him against the wall lugs a four level spinning heel kicks hitting his sternum, Mid riff
and legs then to his face he
crashes onto the window
and fell against the car the
people outside screams in
terror " Huh I guess motherfuckers cant fly "
she comments and proceeds to the upper floor and kicks the door "Yancy its time for
you to die bitch" she angrily
Hollered to the other -

[ To Be Continued ]

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