I Ain't Just a Gangster

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- Tirpitz was at construction
site working as laborer she carries steel cranes and steel
piles on her shoulder her tattoos are bit unviel due to
her wearing tank top and a
sweat jacket wrap around her waist and blue jeans
one of the workers carries
a whench  and slams it on her forehead she blocked it
with her wrist and she throws an turning elbow strike to his face some of his
teeth flew off  " You muscles
for brains cant see i just
want to work?" she spoke as
the laborers gathers with tools on their hands " Alright
Looks like ill be making a
Foundation out of your ass"
she puts down what she has
been carrying and cracks her neck one of them attacks
with a hammer she throws a
Jeet kune do kick on his mug
the other charges to her with a drill she kicks his wrist and delivers a 420 on
his mug he fell flat on his
Back she ducked down to
land auto sweep on his ankle
he impacted against the ground she backflip to dodge
the steel pipe attack and she
throws a jump queixada on
his mug he fell flat to his back and throws pop back
kick to the one behind her
then a follow through round
on the face of the last one of
them he fell flat on his back
as well she whipped to the
others and they quivered and let go of their tools then
she goes back to mind her own business. later at dismissal hours each laborers are lined up to get
their pay one by one till its
Tirpitz's turn obviously she
got fired out from her work
yet she received the payment of twenty thousand
cash as an gratitude of her
Helping them to lift and carry heavy materials then
she goes to changing room and changes to her usual attire and kept the money on
her wallet then she shoved it
inside her pocket then she
grabbed the cigar from her
chest pocket lights it up and
smokes it then she spuns a
heel leaving the construction
while she is walking in the streets a group of men in
Black surrounds her -

[ Kyoto - Japan ]
[ Kyoto Downtown ]
[ 5:00 PM ]

Tirpitz: What you fuck buckets want from me you
want to fight i warn you i will beat you flat on your asses from where you stand
Brian: You know exactly why we are here Sendai's
Strongest Gangster
Tirpitz: You know me huh i
Guess you did your home work well done there
Brian: You will pay for what
you have done to him?
Tirpitz: Him? Oh! what is his
Name again Harley Quinn?
Brian: His name is Harold!
Tirpitz: Ah right harold. so
then did you come here to
get your ass beaten like a
Cherokee drum as well?
Brian: Fuck you Bitch!
Tirpitz: Fuck me you by yourself you coward
Brian: Smoke this bitch out!
She is just a gangster
Tirpitz: I Ain't just a Gangster Pal keep it mind

- Both all of them pull their
melees out one of them charges at her with a katana
she spat her cigar to his eye
he yelped and she throws a
right straight to his face he
fell on pavement coldly she
blocked the strike from a crow bar with her wrist and
she elbow strike his mug and throws a chopping blow
to his temple she side steps evading a knife strike she lugs a outside crescent to his
mug and an inside crescent
to the mug of the one who
attempted to stab her from the point blank the other
one pulled his side firearms
she lugs a brazilian on his
side neck he impacted against the ground the one
attempt to pull his side firearm as well she notices and throws a queixada on his temple he fell flat on his
back one of them shots her
she instinctively move to other side and throws a stepping round on his face
he fell on the pavement bleeding from the gums
Brian does a capoeira movement " Capoeira huh "
she says as she wipes her nose with her thumb to taunt him he throws an aramda compresso to her face she counters it with a
side kick on his mug he fell
flat on his back he throws
a martelo sweep to her leg
she moved her leg away and
he throws martelo de negativa against her ribs she
blocked it with her elbow and grabbing his calf lifting
him off his own weight and
toss him away he landed on
his he throws an Armada
com martelo on her side neck she caught his ankle and lugs a double side kick
at him hitting both of his
sternum and mug he fell flat on his back unable to get up
" you probably got a cherokee drum fetish " she
comments while cracking her legs up and stretches her
arms up " This would be my
breakfast , Lunch and dinner Aww arent you all too kind " she says as she collects cash from their wallets and puts it on her own and shove it back to her
Pocket " Guess even the Mafia can be generous " she
pulled the cigar out of her
Chest pocket putting it on her lips and spuns a heel back to her home two hours
Later she arrived home and
she put the fast food on the
dinner table and she goes to
the living room she saw snow playing online game on her phone Then she put
the boquet of Aromatic flowers on the table Snow
Noticed and puts her phone
down and grabbed the boquet and starts smelling the flowes and giggled -

[ Sendai - Japan ]
[ Tirpitz's Manor ]
[ 7:40 PM ]

Snow: These smell nice! what is the boquet for?
Tirpitz: An Apology. because
I got fired from a job again
Snow: Aww you dont need to buy me boquet i am not
Mad i know its always like this for you Tirz you know
Tirpitz: Yet i still want to buy
them for you. i want to make
you happy despite of our shitty life we had right now
Snow: It makes me happy to
Hear that from you so what Happened out there
Tirpitz: These Meatheads attacked me while i was doing an honest work so i fought back and got fired
Snow: Well you did the right
thing there. because of your
reputation being the ice queen of sendai people from
other cities wants a piece of
beating from you Tirz
Tirpitz: Yeah i know right
Sendai: Lets Dinner?
Tirpitz: Gladly i got hungry
from the fights today

[ To Be Continued ]

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