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June 'Wednesday

"You have an interview and performance on Saturday on the 'Late Late Show'. But don't worry you'll sing a slow song so no big choreography because your ankle still isn't at 100 percent yet. Your rehearsal is on Friday at 10am don't forget. What else am I missing?"
Henry tells me as we walk out of another meeting and Candace behind us taking calls. Since we began talking about the idea of making an album, we've been nonstop creating ideas for it. That was the main reason we had been huddled up in these meetings. "I won't forget I mentally wrote it all down. And my ankles are just fine. Don't worry Henry I'm not forgetful." He takes a breath. "I just want to remind you everyday until the day of, it gives me a sort of peace. Are you going to the party tonight?" I furrow my brows. "What party are you exactly talking about?"
"Dream Girl's EP is dropping. I told you about it on Tuesday after the meeting, they are throwing them a release party."

I honestly had no idea it went over my head. I kept thinking of Jc and when he tried to kiss me. It could've been so easy to just kiss him back. I told Sage about everything and she said I handled it good, unless he's made it clear that he doesn't have a girlfriend then I shouldn't 'pursue' him. Those were her words exactly. But isn't him trying to kiss me a sign that he doesn't have a girlfriend? I guess I blanked out for a bit because Henry nudged me on my shoulder. "Earth to Londyn? I thought you had everything mentally written down?" He smirked knowing he was right about me forgetting things. "Well when I said that I meant like actual work related things not parties. I probably won't go I want to catch up with a friend tonight." I wanted to see Jc, we hadn't talked since Sunday. And I don't want him thinking I don't want to see him or anything.

Henry shakes his head, "Well anyone who's anyone is going to be at this party. So most likely your friend will go, who is it again?"
I rolled my eyes, "The person I'm talking about is somebody that isn't going to this party." Emphasis on the is.
"Then you shouldn't be hanging out with them Londyn," I stare at him with furrowed brows. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I mean for tonight at-least. Attending this party is a good move on our part. If we go we are showing support for the upcoming artists, you know how that feels you were there before too you know." I nod my head, "Yes I know. I'm happy for the Dream Girls and all but I barley know them. I'd rather spend my time hanging out with a real friend. They won't even notice if I wasn't there."
"We're going Londyn it's the right thing to do."
"Yeah yeah fine." I said grumpily. "Come on I know what'll cheer you up. Food, let's grab something to eat."

We made it down in the parking garage."Can't. I promised Sage after this meeting I'd go and have lunch with her." He nods understandably.
"Your loss, Candace will join me instead won't you Candace?" "Um sure only if you're paying."
"Fine, but Londyn don't forget about everything we covered in the meeting about the album. Think it through on what you want to do. And also I'll meet you tonight I'll send you the address." "Yeah I got it thanks, see you tonight." I find my car and get in. I didn't make any plans with Sage today, she was out of town for a trip. I just wanted to get some food and relax on my own for a bit. I told myself I would work on the outfit I hadn't finished, I was planning on wearing it for the 'Late Late Show'. As I start the car Henry texts me, 'Sent your stylist Audrey to your house, she's gonna help you pick tonight's outfit'
There goes my chance of breathing my own air tonight.

Jc's POV+

"You tried kissing a literal pop star and thought 'hmm maybe she'll kiss me back?' She's Londyn mother-f'ing Myers, she can like date Justin Bieber and shit." Kian tells me. I laugh as he told me that. "I believe Justin Bieber is married." He shakes his head, "That's all you took from that? Either way doesn't she have a boyfriend too? That Cameron guy." "You know what maybe that's why she didn't want to kiss me back, she probably has a boyfriend."
"Or maybe because you're just a guy who makes YouTube videos with his best friends and doesn't own like 5 cars." "Shut up do you have 5 cars like up your sleeve to give to me?"
"Nope that's exactly why I don't go around trying to kiss A-list celebrities."
I told Kian what happened on Sunday and he kind of grounded me a bit. Why did I even think I had a shot?

We seemed to vibed well, I mean at-least I thought we did. She hasn't talked to me since then so it's safe to say I blew it. These past days I've just been overthinking the whole situation, so I needed someone else's perspective on it. And that someone was Kian and he obviously just made fun of the situation. "Hey let's go we gotta film a video for KnJ." He goes to grab his camera when I hear something on the tv catch my attention.
'This week on the Late Late Show, we have a musical guest performance by the one-and-only Londyn Myers and a exclusive interview with Florence Pugh. Don't miss it!'
Mentally I noted that I wouldn't miss her performance. "Hey come on I set the camera up." Kian yelled out. "Coming!"


This is a very very very short chapter, I know. I just had like no real idea with this part but I know I wanted to add some time or space between the performance you know. Hope you guys are enjoying .
Again feedback is welcomed :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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