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??? POV

"Shit," I muttered. My papers all scattered across the marble floor, and I scrambled to retrieve them before they were stepped on. I learned on the first day of school that no one cared about anyone else except themselves.

"Hurry, hurry..." I mumbled to myself. Right when I was about to grab the last paper, another hand reached out and handed it to me.

"Here." I looked up, surprised that someone helped me. He had long black hair that almost reached his shoulders, his brown eyes sparkled brightly, and his lips- fuck, his lips were gorgeous. They looked so kissable.

"Th-thanks," I whispered. I quickly took the paper from his hand stuffed it into my binder, embarrassed by my sudden stutter.

"No problem. I'll see you around..." the boy glanced at my binder, where my name was printed in big letters. "Seungmin. Bye." He smiled at me before leaving with another boy.

I recognized the other boy, unfortunately. He was Lee Minho, the infamous heartthrob of the school, along with his best friend Hwang Hyunjin. I had yet to meet him but rumors said-

My train of thought was interrupted when I was hit by a sudden realization. Holy shit.

That was Hwang Hyunjin?


Jisung POV

I tapped my pen on the wooden surface on the coffee table, trying to focus on the material in front of me.

I grunted in frustration and took a long sip from my iced americano. Majoring in music production was harder than I thought. I nibbled on the tip of my pen before throwing it down.

"I give up," I said. "There's no way I can read this article."

Felix chuckled. "That, my friend, is the reason why you should've majored in musical theater."

"If this is your way of telling me to fill in for one of your ensemble members, the answer is still no. Ask a dance major. You know I hate dancing." I said.

"Please Jiiiiiiii? Please???????? Or introduce me to a dance major. Help your best friend outttttt." Felix whined. "The whole production might shut down. Seungmin said he's not doing it if we don't find two new members. Just for the opening night. The doctor said the two idiots will get better by the second night."

I snorted. "Why not push the opening night back another day?"

"Jisunggg we can't do that- we just can't!" Felix groaned in frustration. "This is my first time with a big role, I can't-" Felix covered his face with his hands.


"Please, Jisung. Just anyone from the dance department. Heck, they don't even have to be from dance, just anyone. I'm desperate at this point." He peeked through his fingers. "Please?"

I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh. "Fine. But I can't guarantee you 2 dancers. I'll try though."

Felix sat up. "Really? Are you serious?" He reached out and grabbed my hands. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! I could kiss you right now-"

"And... we should stop right there." I held up a hand to stop him before he could press his puckered lips onto mine. "Besides, I thought your heart belonged to Changbin-hyung."

"Shut up. Also, are you gonna finish that cheesecake?"

"Fuck off man, it's mine."


Hyunjin POV

The moment we turned the corner, I nudged Minho hyung with my elbow. "Hyung, who was that?"

"Kim Seungmin. Sophomore majoring in musical theater. He was born in Seoul but grew up in the countryside with his grandmother, a quiet kid without many friends. He has one close friend, his name is Yang Jeongin, and he's a freshman also majoring in musical theater. Kinda cute but not my style. He's annoying- Seungmin, that is. That Jeongin kid is nice."

I stopped walking and stared at him. "All I wanted to know was his year and major not his life story. Do you stalk everyone in school?" Minho hyung also stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"No. There are two types of people I like to dig dirt about." He held up two fingers and looked at me intensely in the eye.

I cocked my head in interest. "Who?"

"Cute guys and guys who piss me off. Kim Seungmin fits into both categories. He was cute, so I just... did a bit of research about him. I tried to talk to him a few times, but damn he pissed me off so much. He's so quiet and doesn't even bother to socialize. He's no fun."

"Why? He seems decent." I chuckled and continued to walk down the hall.

"Eh. Not my style. If he wasn't so cute I probably would've killed him already." Minho hyung shrugged nonchalantly.

"Just like how you like to stuff my mouth with a wet tissue if I do something?" I asked. He nodded gleefully and slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorta. Why, are you interested?" Minho hyung pulled me into a chokehold. "Huh? Are you? Are you?"

I shrieked and clawed at his arm. "WHETHER I DO OR NOT, IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. NOW LET ME GO! OW! OW! OW! HYUNG!" 

first chapter done :3 hope u guys liked it!

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