"Oh, she and Fay are hanging out by the lake," Ron said as he took a bite of his chocolate frog. Harry's face fell a little.  

⊱- - - - -⊰

"And he said something about his mother- " y/n was telling Fay, but something caught her eye. "Oh hey, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are over there!" y/n pointed towards the three, Fay following her gaze.

"I didn't know that they were staying for the holidays too," Fay stated.

"Oh yeah! They all wanted to stay. I forgot to tell you. By the way, are you done with Potions?" y/n asked, rummaging through her bag.

"You should take a break, you know. Snape doesn't matter compared to Christmas," Fay joked. y/n chuckled.

"Speaking of which, I haven't gotten Harry and Lupin's Christmas present yet," y/n said thoughtfully. Fay raised an eyebrow.

"What are you getting them?" Fay asked as she popped a sweetened Pineapple into her mouth.

y/n smiled and was going to answer her but someone spoke first.

"Hey y/n!" y/n turned to see Ron waving at her as he walked over, followed by Hermione and Harry.

"Hi, Ron! Hey guys," she said, smiling at them. "What are ya'll doing here?"

"Oh, Harry wanted to visit Hagrid," Hermione said, pointing at Harry.

"Oh, can me and Fay join?" y/n asked, looking over to Fay.

"No thanks, I want to head to the library for a bit," Fay shook her head and gathered up her things.

"Oh, okay then," y/n smiled and waved at the blonde (Fay btw) and so did the rest and she left and headed towards the library.

"C'mon y/n," Hermione said, waving for her to follow them. The four then started making their way towards Hagrid's hut. The Forbidden Forest looked as though it had been enchanted, each tree smattered with silver, and Hagrid's cabin looked like an iced cake.

Ron knocked, but there was no answer.

"He's not out, is he?" said Hermione, who was shivering under her cloak.

Ron put his ear to the door. He opened his mouth to say something but y/n cut him off.

"HAGRID!!!" y/n shouted and banged the door hard with her fist. "HULLO?? ANYBODY HOME??" 

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, then the door creaked open. Hagrid stood there with his eyes red and swollen, tears splashing down the front of his leather vest.

"You've heard?" he bellowed.

"Hagrid, what is it?" said Hermione, aghast.

y/n spotted an official-looking letter lying open on the table and walked over to take a look at it, Hermione giving her a look as the girl, y/n, walked past Hagrid and into the house.

"What's this, Hagrid?" y/n help up the paper. Hagrid looked over, wiping his tears from his eyes. He waved his hand, gesturing y/n to go on and read it.

"Dear Mr. Hagrid,

Further to our inquiry into the attack by a Hippogriff on a student in your class, we have accepted the assurances of Professor Dumbledore that you bear no responsibility for the regrettable incident," y/n read aloud.

"Well, that's okay then, Hagrid!" said Ron, clapping Hagrid on the shoulder. But Hagrid continued to sob, and waved one of his gigantic hands, inviting y/n to read on.

"However, we must register our concern about the Hippogriff in question. We have decided to uphold the official complaint of Mr. Lucius Malfoy, and this matter will therefore be taken to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. The hearing will take place on April 20th, and we ask you to present yourself and your Hippogriff at the Committee's offices in London on that date. In the meantime, the Hippogriff should be kept tethered and isolated.

Yours in fellowship ...
There followed a list of the school governors," y/n finished, nervously looking up at the others.

"Oh," said Ron. "But you said Buckbeak isn't a bad Hippogriff, Hagrid. I bet he'll get off."

"Yeh don' know them gargoyles at the Committee for the Disposal o' Dangerous Creatures!" choked Hagrid, wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "They've got it in for interestin' creatures!"

The four glanced around at each other, Harry avoiding y/n's gaze. They had never seen eye to eye with Hagrid about what he called 'interesting creatures' and other people called 'terrifying monsters.' On the other hand, there didn't seem to be any particular harm in Buckbeak. In fact, by Hagrid's usual standards, he was positively cute.

"You'll have to put up a good strong defense, Hagrid," said Hermione, sitting down and laying a hand on Hagrid's massive forearm. "I'm sure you can prove Buckbeak is safe."

⊱- - - - - -⊰

The trip to Hagrid's, though far from fun, had nevertheless had the effect Ron and Hermione had hoped. Though Harry had by no means forgotten about Black, Harry was obviously acting strange around y/n. He was avoiding her and trying to leave if y/n was around.

y/n scowled as Harry said that he was going to the library when she walked into the almost empty common room. It was eight at night, about five hours since they had visited Hagrid.

"That's like, the sixth time he's going to the library today," y/n stated as she slumped herself on the couch in front of the fireplace. Hermione frowned.

"Yeah, I think she's trying to avoid you, y/n," Hermione said nervously.

"Well observed, Hermione. I could've never had realized," y/n said sarcastically.

"Well, have you done something wrong?" Ron asked, earning a scary stare from y/n. She looked over boringly at him.

"Ron, if I had, do you think I would be sitting here right now as Harry excuses himself to the library right as I enter the room? He hasn't spoken OR looked at me ALL day," y/n said.

Hermione and Ron glanced at each other nervously, not sure what to say.

After a minute or two, y/n made up her mind and jumped up suddenly, scaring Hermione and Ron a little.

"I'm going to the library," y/n said before heading out the portrait hole.

"Uh oh," Ronald gulped.

⊱- - - - - - - - -⊰

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//Hey ya'll! I just want to say, thank you so much for reading my story. It actually really means a lot to me that people like my work! I'm glad you're here and thank ya'll for 6k reads today!! It's only been around 2 to 3 months since I've started and I'm really grateful for all of you tuning in! I'm trying my best to update as often as possible :) Have a great day/night wherever you are! Lots of love<3

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